BOM Jobs in Symix 4

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
i made a utility that copies a bom template to all other items with certain
conditions (mass bom creator). view material, operations, and product
configurator seem to work fine, but when i run a single or indented level
bill of material report, the items created in symix show up but the ones
that were created by the custom program don't. i looked and cannot find why.
it could be because i'm not created a file or setting a field. the files i
am creating when copying are -


any ideas?

it does, otherwise i wouldn't see the BOM when i view materials. everything
else seems to work except for the where used reports. are the files below
the only files i needed to create?

The five "job" files are all that you need. The "notes" records are
optional depending on your data. It is possible that you need to run the
BOM Processor to reset low level codes to get the where used reports to
work. I have looked at the code, but I have seen strangeness when the low
levels aren't right.
i don't see what this would have to do with bom jobs. i thought abc codes
are just used to group items for reports.
i found out the problem. job.item and job.type (should be "S", was blank)
were not set.
a quick update program fixed it for all the created job records.
the where used programs now show the correct parent items.

thanks for all who replied.
