attributes in alphabetical order on XML output


New Member
Hi all

Wondering if anyone can help. I am exporting an XML document thru a WSDL. We export the XML to a file at the same time for checking. The code to set the attributes is:
hreturn:CREATE-NODE(h1stlevel, "DOCUMENT", "ELEMENT").
h1stlevel:SET-ATTRIBUTE("version", "3.0").
h1stlevel:SET-ATTRIBUTE("reply_tp", "1").

no matter what we do this always places the reply_tp attribute before the version attribute. Now you would think it wouldn't matter but for some reason the 3rd party we send it to has no issues with the rest of the code setting the attributes in alphabetical order, but they do with this. I don't know why but we need to fix it so that the reply will go sitting after the version attribute.

Any ideas anyone?


It is the other party that needs to fix something. You need to have a chat with them about what XML is all about and how to process it.

If they are having this problem with you they will also have it, or similar problems, with others.

You might want to suggest to them that you could violate all known principles of standards based coding and, just for them, create a special export routine for a small fee. (You could translate your XML into a temp-table and then output it in alphabetical order using PUT statements...) The GNP of Jamaica should cover the costs.