Assigning Variable Value To A Startup Parameter


New Member
Hi All,

I have two startup parameters -S and -H whose values should not be fixed. For example, User A uses host, User B uses At the moment, I have to specify the IP addresses in the program which I find tedious since I have to compile the program everytime I make this change. Is there a way of using value instead, like:

-H value(host-server)

where host server is a variable?

Thanks in advance

You are stating startup parameter but you are also stating that you have to re-compile everytime the IP adresses change. To me that sounds like you hard code the IP adresses into the ABL procedure.

First of all, I wouldn't use IP adresses - I wouldn't even use host names. Instead I would use DNS Aliases. Plus, as Stefan mentioned - I would use a parameter file.

The connect statement already allows you to use a variable:
    { physical-name | VALUE ( expression ) } [ options ] | options
  [ NO-ERROR ]

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude