Are things getting that bad?

Here's an extract from the worst, least appetizing job opportunity I've seen in my region for a while:

Progress Developer Midlands (UK) to £18 - 22k (that's 20-25k Euros, $20-30k)

Essential skills are:
Progress 9.0, experience of completing data fixes to live systems

If you are looking for the next step in your career and want to work in an organisation that puts it's employees first...

So, to summarise, a company that "puts it's employees first" is prepared to pay apprentice rates for the privilege of working with a long-dead version constantly putting out fires.

Am I missing something here - have I become another arrogant, complacent Western programmer?

If not, does anyone know who these chumps are, so I can avoid them in future?*

Wow. That is a breath takingly unappetizing proposal.

Good luck to them! And I pity the fool who takes the job :(
Embarrassing as it is to admit, but a little dicky-bird tells me that this might be for the company that I work for.

Apparently, they want someone with 18 months experience ...

It doesn't bode well for the rest of us in the IT Department if they can fill the post. We are hoping that nobody applies, so they will have to increase the rate.

It's a permanent post, though, not a contractor one, in case anyone was wondering. :)
I understand those concerns.

Apart from anything else, these cheap practices lower the morale of existing staff; and undermine the reputation of the company, its product and its programmers (in certain clear cases, very unfairly).