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  • Setting up the AppServer with a DataBase.doc
    30 KB · Views: 102
That is a normal progress error which should be treated as such. There are several entries in the KB regarding this. The error seems to be clear enough for itself. Could it be that you are connectng to more then 1 database with tables with the same name in it. If so then it may be needed to prepend the tables with the databasename.
There is also an entry with regard to adm.

So, look for 'ambiguous table' in the KB.

Now m getting message like "Appserver not connected". I have started all the required components. may be error in the connect statement:

ret = hAppServer:CONNECT("-H localhost -S 5162 -AppService asbroker1") no-error.

Pls advice.
Hi Casper,
Below is the code:


ret = hAppServer:CONNECT("-AppService asbroker1 -H -S 5162").

hAppServer = SESSION.

RUN C:\OpenEdge\WRK\DBA\LAB\customer.p ON hAppServer.


If i run this, it's giving me messages like "unexpected coonect request in state free mode. Application server connect failure."
Can u tell me please about the port number "5162". During configuration time there r 2 to 3 port number. So which one i have to put in the statement ?

Please advice.
Hi Casper,
it was working fine when I connected database manualy and ran the file. When I ran this file without connecting DB it was showing error message like "Ambigous table customer". means database was not connected.

Please advice.
Hi there, I'll dive in here.

hAppServer = SESSION.

What's the idea behind this line? This looks to be resetting hAppServer to be the handle of your current client session, which surely isn't what you want. I'd remove this unless you have a real reason for it.

If i run this, it's giving me messages like "unexpected coonect request in state free mode. Application server connect failure."

You haven't yet mentioned your appserver settings. What Operating Mode have you selected? If you have actually chosen "state free", then your connect statement must change to reflect this. You should try something like:

hAppServer:CONNECT("-sessionModel Session-free -AppService asbroker1 -H -S 5162").

Can u tell me please about the port number "5162".

5162 is the default port of the NameServer. This is an appserver management agent which allows (amongst other things) load balancing across hardware. Typically, you either use the NameServer and your connect statement looks the way you have specified, or you use DirectConnect to bypass the NameServer (which then means you don't need to run the NameServer at all, saving some resources).

By default, you've probably got a NameServer called NS1 running on port 5162, and your appserver asbroker1 (I would rename this to something more meaningful) is registered to it. Nothing wrong with this as an initial config.
it was working fine when I connected database manualy and ran the file. When I ran this file without connecting DB it was showing error message like "Ambigous table customer". means database was not connected.

Again, back to the appserver settings. Are you connecting the appserver agents to a database when they startup? You would usually specify a PF file in the Server Startup Parameters property in the Agent group in Progress Explorer. What have you put in here?
hi Andrew,
thanks for reply.
I have configured databse path in the startup parameter of appasrver
see below "-p web\objects\web-disp.p -db c:\OpenEdge\WRK\DBA\LAB\DevDB"

Should I need to give .db extension ?
see below "-p web\objects\web-disp.p -db c:\OpenEdge\WRK\DBA\LAB\DevDB"

This is not an ordinary Appserver, this is Apserver configured for WebSpeed. This works kinda different then an ordinary Appserver. For one, your client is a webclient.
The code you wrote doesn't make much sense to me. What are you trying to acomplish?

Hi casper,
I configured this in the explorer tool in Appserver option.
I have written this as per the document.
Pls advise.
Attached screenshot shows what I mean.
The default setting for the appserver agent are like in this screenshot and not the way you described. The way you described are the settings for a Webspeed agent and not for an Appserver agent.




  • appserver.jpg
    33.7 KB · Views: 69
Hi casper,
I gone through ur attachment but if I configure like this then how it will start my database automatically.

Please advise
I just showed you why I said it was configured as a WebSpeed agent. It was not to tell you how to configure an Appserver. That is what the documentation is for :)

You can configure which databases to connect to in the server startup parameters section.

As Casper says, it would appear that you have configured a webspeed agent instead of an appserver agent. Similar, but not the same.

When you created your new agent in Progress Explorer, which category did you use? "Webspeed" or "AppServer"?
Hi Andrew,
I used appserver category. See attached screen shot.Appserver1.JPG

When I connect DB and run file then it works but without db it's not.

Pls help me to find out the exact root cause.


  • Appserver.jpeg
    39 KB · Views: 17
I can't see the attachments, but I remember from your code you were doing

hAppserver = session.

This will screw you up. By doing this, you're connecting to the appserver, and then wiping the connection handle out with the current session handle, so you then try to run the .p locally from your procedure window instead of running it on the appserver agent.

Take it out and try again. What happens? Check the appsever logs to make sure it's running as expected.

tengo un problema relacionado con la transferencia de imagenes via web services.
desde Progress OpenEdge 10.1b me conecto a una base de datos SYBASE para leer campo del tipo
longvarbinary, la verdad no he logrado pasarlo a memptr y de ahi a una tabla temporal
que tiene un campo del tipo BLOB. ¿haz hecho alguna vez una aplicacion de este tipo?
les agradezco mucho su ayuda.


Juan Carlos