Advantage And Disadvatages Of Type Ii Databases .


Dear TOM and all,

Please explain me the advantages and disadvantages of Type II ?

Why we have always cluster 1 in first area> schema area both in type I and Type II area ??

I am really apologies to you tom of my previous mails . My intention was only gain knowlegde.

Please help me My Dear TOM :-(

With Regrads

Mike :-)
The Schema Area HAS to be Type I. You CANNOT change it to Type II, no matter what you do.
Regarding the Schema Area -- as Cringer correctly points out (and the various presentations suggested to you also cover) the Schema Area is always a type 1 area because Progress defines it that way. The Schema Area is part of the void database -- you get it when you create a new db and there is nothing that you can do about it. Your schema goes in the Schema Area. You are supposed to define application storage areas for your data and your indexes (and CLOB/BLOB objects in later versions of OpenEdge).

Progress very specifically recommends that you do not store any user data in the schema area. Even though they allow you to they suggest that you do not do so.

You are allowed to store data in the schema area because many applications, and the databases designed to support them, were created long before there were storage areas other than the schema area and long before Progress started telling people "don't do that". Progress does not like to break things. Backward compatibility is important.

In spite of knowing better and in spite of having had almost 20 years to fix it many existing databases still follow the worst practice of allowing user data in the schema area. This is unfortunate. Even prior to the advent of type 2 areas it was something that people needed to stop doing. Your old v9 databases should have moved its data and indexes out of the schema area and into application storage areas a long, long time ago.

If you are on OE10 and still have data in the schema area you have absolutely no excuse and should hang your head in shame and turn in your DBA credentials.

If you are on oe11 and have data in the schema area you probably ought to be looking over your shoulder and wondering when the DBA police will arrive to cuff you and haul you away.
Have you read the various PPTs and PDFs suggested to you and looked at the video?

Is there something about the pros and cons in those presentations that you do not understand? Is there a particular point that you would like explained more clearly?

Do you have a specific question other than the one about the Schema Area ?