Adding records to my database...


im having problems with my codes..i thought this codes was enough but when i start to run it, its is my code:

<title> Another Add Program </title>
<script language="speedscript">
if get-value("rad") <> "" then do:
create assessment-roll.
assign assessment-roll.owner-name = get-value("rsys").
queue-message(""," Added Successfully ").
<form name="romel" method="post" action="entry1.html">
Name: <input type="text" name="rsys" size="15" />
<input type="submit" name="rad" value="Submit" />

the first time i run this code,it successfully adds one record then after that when i try again the second record,it wont add anymore,i cant figure it out why it is like that...anyone will be appreciated...thanks...Mr. Moderator, can you please help me too...thanks...
Did you check if the second time you hit the submit button if you actually get in the if then do statement? Just to be sure..

If so, then do get an error something?
Check your create/write tirggers or indexs/fields for unique values.

You may have created a record with an "ID" of zero and then the the next record(s) also trying to create a record with the same ID of zero.

Hope that helps.