Error Adding file to procedure library


New Member
I have create a PL file to add all my image file, but I have problem with file name with "ñ".

I use ISO8859-1, but in the PL file this image with "ñ" in file name are adding with strange character intead of "ñ". When a program search the image file with "ñ" in the PL, it doesn´t found.

What can i do?

With image file you mean .r files? These are not "images" - they are platform independent byte code that gets executed on a virtual machine - the AVM ( ABL Virtual Machine ) - much like Java.

You don't say anything about the OS you are trying this - I'll take it it some kind of Windows.

You say you use iso8859-1. As far as I know you can't specify a code page with the prolib.

I just guess that the problib might not support the extended characters ( ñ is 241 in iso 8859-1 ). If that's the case then your only option will be to rename the file to not contain any extended character. I would recommend you to do that anyway because there might be lots of other software or different OS platforms that won't support these characters in file names.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
You actually can store image files in a prolib. Not a huge fan myself but it is supported.

There are some low level functions that seem to use the DOS codepage (like writing/reading files from disk). Not sure if there is a way to change this.

Can you access the problem files when they aren't in a prolib? Short term would be to leave those out of the prolib and then contact PSC support. A quick search of the KB didn't find anything relevant. Maybe there is some information in the internationalization guide.
Is the codepage specified in the in your $DLC? Some processes use this.
It seems that prolib does support codepage in some fashion... at least in 11. Not sure it will solve your issue or not.

prolib library-name -create [ -codepage codepage-name ]

Specifies the name of the code page for the library you want to create.
A library can contain members with different code pages. All members retain their respective code pages.
If you do not specify the -codepage parameter at creation time, OpenEdge marks the procedure library with the code page specified in the Internal Code Page (‑cpinternal) startup parameter.
Tanks all.

I use OE10 with Windows OS.

I use -codepage ISO8859-1 with PROLIB, which is the same that use for developing.

Before use PL file, i haven't got problem with filename with "ñ".

I solve the problem renaming the file without "ñ", but I really know because this behavior.
