Activex Controls and Openedge



I am facing an issue with backward compatibility of Activex Controls which seem to be working fine in V9 but when I run the same window in OE one of the control(selecting the control) throws up the window.

Are there any known issues with backward compatibilty of Activex Controls.

Thanks in Advance
What do you mean it throws up the window? Which particular ActiveX are you having problems with?
The know issues, if any, would only apply to a particular OCX. Your description of the issue is a little bit vague.

I have to admit that I am not friend of using OCX or OLE automation in within ABL applications. But that is a personal thing.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
It is a Mirosoft Listview Control, version 5.0(SP2) . When the user seleCts a tab on the tabstrip, this Listview gets populated with the data and is shown to the user. This was working perfetly fine in V9, and it Compiles fine in Openedge..but when i seleCt this partiCular tab that display the listview, my window just Closes.
I did do a little workaround to make it work ..the data was missing for one partiular field...did a small Code hange to enter data in that field...but the question that remains is that why did it work in V9 but not in OE
I'd get to at least 10.2A Service Pack 03 and see if the same problem happens there. Chances are it has been fixed already.
We are using several OCX controls - but not the one you issues with - in our applications. We never had any problem when upgrading, even from Progress V8 to OpenEdge 10.

Without knowing more details it is not possible to say why it worked in an older release of Progress. Maybe that is not applicable to you issue, but sometimes when new releases come along Progress closes some back doors and because of that sometimes code breaks that was never meant to be coded that way anyway. What then is called a work-around is probably the it should have been implemented in the first place. But that is just very generic answer to a very generic question.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
You've probably already done all this, but you may want to check if the ActiveX has any updates for the newer versions of Windows. Maybe it's a change in your OS that is causing the problems? Also, try re-adding the ActiveX to the OpenEdge frame in question. We haven't had any problems moving from version 8 to 10.1C, but we mostly use Microsoft controls.
Your problem is with your .wrx . There is a bug where .WRX created with version 9.1D and lower will give and Insufficient memory error when you run it versus a Client that 9.1E or Higher. If you rebuild your .WRX with a higher version of progress you will fix that problem but your 9.1D clients will have the error.

Recompiling in the higher version will not generate a new .WRX . You need to open the programme in a newer version editor and save it to create a new .WRX

This is all due to the integration of Unicode support for ActiveX in version 9.1E
Thanks for all the information. I understand that I have to rebuild the .WRX . I had upgraded Progress to 10.2b but the issue was not resoved.
Your problem is with your .wrx . There is a bug where .WRX created with version 9.1D and lower will give and Insufficient memory error when you run it versus a Client that 9.1E or Higher. If you rebuild your .WRX with a higher version of progress you will fix that problem but your 9.1D clients will have the error.

Recompiling in the higher version will not generate a new .WRX . You need to open the programme in a newer version editor and save it to create a new .WRX

This is all due to the integration of Unicode support for ActiveX in version 9.1E

That's really useful info. Thanks! :)

An update on the Activex Controls not working in Openedge. I opened the program and saved it so as to create a new .wrx. The issue still persists. Probably ver 9.1d has greater tolerance and I will have to go with a code change .

Best Regards,