7.1.1 SO credit limit calculation


Hi -
Would like to know whether the credit limit calculation done in 7.1.1 (eB2 ) is based on customer base currency and credit limit maintained in 2.1.1 or its the base system currency based calculation.
To make it more clear :
lets say a customer in 2.1.1 is maintained with currency SEK (Swedish Krona) and the system base currency is GBP. {say the rate is 10 SEK = 1 GBP} and in 2.1.1 the credit limit set is 1,50,000 SEK.

When processing a SO for this customer how the system applies credit hold .. ?
scenario : SO Total becomes 20000 (is it GBP or SEK) ?
1. does the system show a credit limit over message if its GBP and 20000 GBP is 2,00,000 SEK ?
2. Or it will not show the credit limit over message if its SEK and 20000 SEK < 1,50,000 SEK ?

In short which currency is used in 7.1.1 as the medium to check credit limit ?

can cm_cr_limit be changed to customer currency ? because i got from db dictionary that
Field Name: cm_cr_limit
Description: The credit limit for a customer, in base currency