4gl and MS WORD


Hello to All,

I need your help.

I would like to create two differents pages (using mail merge object) in one document (MS WORD) using ACTIVX programming. For example: system could be open 2 differents MS WORD template in ONE document.
I hope to be clear.

Thx in advance.

I don't know how you would achieve that, but probably the best way to do it is to write code in VBA to do this, then once you have it working convert your code to ABL Com-Handle style to achieve it via ActiveX

A good reference to all the objects available to you in Word will be in the VBA help file, located somewhere like this: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\VBAWRD8.HLP

Some more tips on ActiveX programming with Office:

Also, search the Progress knowledge base for for ActiveX.
Why not have 2 different widgets on your page?
Have an OCX on 1 part of the window / display area,
then have another OCX on a different area.
That way you are displaying your 2 different word docs.