4-in-1 Integrated Report Publisher for QAD Mfg/Pro


4-in-1 Integrated Report Publisher for QAD Mfg/Pro that works on all UI's, all O/S's and all versions.

QAD's Mfg/Pro system provides users with a host of standard reports but can be only printed, viewed or saved as text files .

4-in-1 Integrated Report Publisher for QAD Mfg/Pro includes:

1. Excel Publisher - yes, you heard it right, report published directly in Excel.
2. Pretty PDF Publisher
3. Scan Reports to PDF
4. HTML Publisher

1. Excel Publisher
The Excel Publisher is a powerful and flexible tool to transform QAD's Mfg/Pro reports+ to Excel straight out of the box.

2. Pretty PDF Publisher
Outbound documents like Purchase Order, Sales Order, Invoices can now be published to Pretty PDF with company logo, formatting & personalizing on corporate stationery++.

3. Scan Reports to PDF.
No more running to the printer and scanning the printed report. Scan any report to PDF right out of Mfg/Pro. Go Green!

4. HTML Publisher
Specially built for .NetUI/Desktop UI, you can now open any reports directly in the browser in HTML format - this way you can use the browser's rich functionalities like search text, print preview, print only the pages you need etc.

Key Benefits
* Saves great deal of time and efforts, making you more productive and efficient.
* Retains all Original report formatting.
* Rapid Setup & Immediate value-add
* No customization or additional H/W required

Key Features:
Works on all UI's, O/S's and versions
The user selects one of the output destination & the tool publishes reports directly at runtime.
The published Report will be delivered in a browser (for .NetUI & Desktop version) and as an attachment via email (for ChUI/GUI).

+ Excel Publisher currently works for all columnar (single & multi-frame) including likes of Aging Reports.
++ Pretty PDF - for each outbound report, we charge a small fee for formatting and personalization.

Contact us for a Demo & Pricing structure today. Also, ask us about other Mfg/Pro offerings like US Sales & Use Tax Solution, Disaster/Recovery Solution and many more.


Hello There,

I am in the process of setting up my web-site and am running behind schedule. Should be up pretty soon.

In the meantime, you can download the demo files from here - The demo files can be played in QuickTime (preferred) or Windows Media Player. Let me know if you have any difficulties downloading the files:




The first file will demo the usage of scan, html & pdf whereas the 2nd file demos the usage of excel option and the 3rd file demos the excel option in ChUI.

Kindly note: the demos were recorded at a live-site and hence any redistribution of the demo file without my written permission is strictly prohibited.

Let me know if you have any ?s or need any other information,

Thanks and Regards,