23.2 Regenerate Materials Plan


New Member
Hi All,

I have written a script to run MRP(23.2). Everything seems to be fine like all the fileds are getting placed where it should be. Later it throws a error called No terminal(120) and my batch ends. There is any other way we can execute MRP as a batch using unix script without getting an error.

Please help me.

Hi Kishor,

I have tried the way you have said. But still I get the same kind of error.

Alm: 123 A: 123
CM-alculo Sincronizado: No
CM-sdigo SincronizaciM-sn: Salida: mrp
ID Lote:
Listado en ejecuciM-sn. Pulse <Ctrl> + <C> para cancelarlo.
** There is no terminal. (120)
Fin del listado.
Processo terminado.

Even I have tried different methods to eliminate this error.
Like at *.p file I have given output to terminal or ouput to /dev/null.

But still I have been seeing the same error in log file.
The report is getting generated but with trailer data only, as follows:

Fin Listado

Criterio Listado: Listado emitido por: 123456
Alm: 123 A: 123
CM-alculo Sincronizado: No
CM-sdigo SincronizaciM-sn: Salida: mrp
ID Lote:

Hi Kishor,

Is there anything we can include in .pf file to eliminate the erorr.

So far I have tried using -b , -TM parameters.

And nothing worked so far :confused:.

We also use MRP regenerate in batch mode. Here is what u need to do ...

1. Create a batch id in 36.14.1 (mgbcmt.p) e.g mrpregen.

2. In 23.2 menu, entered the relevant data, Press F1 and enter the output file name and batchid as "mrpregen"

3. Goto 36.14.3 (mfbcdmt.p - Batch Request Detail) and check the batch Id detail for mrpregen. Make any changes if required to Priority, Permanent, Process and output. Save the record and come out

Note: Process flag should be yes, else it will not run.

4. Setup a cron job which will execute 36.14.13 (mfbatch.p - Batch Request Processor) with batchid as "mrpregen".

It should work correctly without any error message.


  • mrpregenerate.jpg
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Seems to me that the TERM environment variable hasn't been set.
What is the output of echo $TERM ?
You can try TERM=xterm; export TERM before starting the batch.

In our start scripts we use this to make sure it is set:

# Set terminal type.
if [ ${TERM:-NULL} = NULL ]
echo "Please enter your terminal type: \c"
read TERM
export TERM

Hope this helps,
Seems to me that the TERM environment variable hasn't been set.
What is the output of echo $TERM ?
You can try TERM=xterm; export TERM before starting the batch.

In our start scripts we use this to make sure it is set:

# Set terminal type.
if [ ${TERM:-NULL} = NULL ]
echo "Please enter your terminal type: \c"
read TERM
export TERM

Hope this helps,

I think this will not help because MRP regenerate uses 2 streams. One stream is the output file which is entered at output device and 2nd stream is the output to screen. When batch script is used the output to screen stream didn't work and hence it's gives the TERM error message. The best way is to go via Batch ID. I am using this method for last 6 years.