11.6 Pas


Active Member
Hey guys.

11.6 PAS, Linux server.

Trying to migrate an existing web speed application into 11.6 pacific and its being an absolute ...

Custom web-disp.p. No problems, merged it with web-handler. Created my class and inheritance and all seems okay.

From the class, i can use OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest:PathInfo and get the full HTTP used in the POST. But within my now custom web-handler.p, web-context:form-input no longer holds value, and a lot of the custom code relies on this.

Any ideas? :(
Please post this on openedge communities site as this is more a question for openedge devs.

Normally accessing web-context directly is unsupported and you're supposed to use the supplied methods getField() and so on.
I just tried to print the WEB-CONTEXT:FORM-INPUT the default web-handler.p and it works for me. So if you have properly modified your custom web-handler.p then it should be able to get FORM-INPUT value