transform progress 10.2b abl into web

You most certainly can, but I would imagine that this is a project that is far bigger than can be discussed on a forum like this. There will be a lot of very application specific decisions to make. I would recommend a consultancy. Consultingwerk would be my first port of call for this exercise.
You most certainly can, but I would imagine that this is a project that is far bigger than can be discussed on a forum like this. There will be a lot of very application specific decisions to make. I would recommend a consultancy. Consultingwerk would be my first port of call for this exercise.
how can you help me to start the first steps to transform my back-office + front-office project into web.
As he said, by identifying a resource that will be able to guide you. This is not something that can be covered in a post or two. And the process will depend a lot on the current architecture of your system ... and your budget. For starters you are going to want to be on a current release of Progress or you will be significantly handicapped compared to where you could be.
For years progress has been driving us developers to separate the business logic from the UI so that we can re-use existing code for different interfaces?
Are you looking at upgrading 10.2B? It just will modern webUI technologies rely on JSON has the common data interchange format. OE11+ is a bit more richer when it comes to JSON.

10.2B is going to be the bottle neck to be able to convert your application to a web UI (I'm not saying is can't be done with 10.2B).
If you want to sick with 10.2B, do you have a WebSpeed license?
Depuis des années, le progrès nous pousse, nous développeurs, à séparer la logique métier de l'interface utilisateur afin de pouvoir réutiliser le code existant pour différentes interfaces ?
Envisagez-vous de mettre à niveau 10.2B ? Il suffit que les technologies WebUI modernes reposent sur JSON pour le format d'échange de données commun. OE11+ est un peu plus riche en JSON.

10.2B va être le goulot d'étranglement pour pouvoir convertir votre application en une interface utilisateur Web (je ne dis pas que cela ne peut pas être fait avec 10.2B).
Si vous voulez tomber malade avec 10.2B, avez-vous une licence WebSpeed ?
Bonjour Cecil;
Tout d'abord merci de votre aide pour améliorer mon logiciel.
J'ai deux licences
Oe Studio+Oe entreprise SGBDR