ROWID when a lock is on the run

recently I have many locks that block all the systems.

With the system tables _Lock and _File I manage to find the user, the machine and the tables that are locked (exclusive and shares) but I don't find the rowid of each tables. Is there a way to found out ?

Best Regards,

- A newcomer -
You get the RECID - which, in a nutshell, is the predecessor of ROWID. Although one is urged to use ROWID and forget RECID, it is still used in many places in the meta-schema, VSTs and other system tables.

One of the disadvantages of RECID - amongst lots of others which are more relevant to not use it anymore - is, that for dynamic buffers you need a FIND-BY-RECID function. Therefore you need to build a full-blown dynamic query if you want to dynamically fetch the related record.
Ok I will go on the rowid.

My main issue is that with the lock on the run I can't connect it with the Trans VTS because my Lock VTS don't have a field _Lock-TransID.
Do you know a way to connect the two of them ?

Also I'm sure there is a way to connect the recid and the rowid, but I don't know how to it without writind directly something like that:

 Find "my table name" where RECID("my table name") = _Lock._Lock-recid no-lock.
            mRowid = "my table name":rowid().

And this is my actual code for lock search

 FOR EACH _Lock WHERE _Lock._Lock-ID < 200
                            AND   _Lock._Lock-Table <> ? 
                            AND  (_Lock._Lock-Flags BEGINS "X"
                                   OR _Lock._Lock-Flags BEGINS "S") NO-LOCK:
        CREATE TT1 .             
        BUFFER-COPY _Lock TO TT1 .
        FIND FIRST _File WHERE _File._File-Number = _Lock._Lock-table NO-LOCK NO-ERROR .
        TT1.NomTable = _File._File-Name .

        FIND FIRST _Connect WHERE _Connect._Connect-pid  <> ?
                                     AND   _Connect._Connect-pid  <> 0
                                     AND   _Connect._Connect-Type = "REMC"
                                     AND   _Connect._Connect-Usr  = _Lock._Lock-Usr NO-LOCK NO-ERROR .
            TT1.Machine = _Connect._Connect-Device
            TT1.PID     = _Connect._Connect-PID .

Don't focus on the locks. Focus on the blocked connections.
for each _connect no-lock where _connect-wait <> " -- ":  /* or where _connect-wait1 = "REC" if you only want to know about record locks */
  display _connect.   /* you probably want to only show a few columns... */
    /* if _connect-wait = "REC" then _connect-wait1 happens to contain the RECID of the record being waited on
     * depending on your db design that *might* be enough to identify the table (but RECIDs are only unique within a storage area) 
This is a much better starting point. It focuses you on the sessions that are actually blocked, and why, from the top down rather than trying to back into it from the lock info.
Don't focus on the locks. Focus on the blocked connections.
for each _connect no-lock where _connect-wait <> " -- ":  /* or where _connect-wait1 = "REC" if you only want to know about record locks */
  display _connect.   /* you probably want to only show a few columns... */
    /* if _connect-wait = "REC" then _connect-wait1 happens to contain the RECID of the record being waited on
     * depending on your db design that *might* be enough to identify the table (but RECIDs are only unique within a storage area)
This is a much better starting point. It focuses you on the sessions that are actually blocked, and why, from the top down rather than trying to back into it from the lock info.

but it seems that _connect-wait1 is an integer and not a character .
_connect-wait is the reason that the connection is waiting. If it equals "REC" then the connection is waiting for a record lock.

If the connection is waiting for a record lock then the _connect-wait1 field will hold the RECID of the record it is waiting for.
Ok I understant, it's planne for us to do it but not right now.

My second interogation is with the _File._File-name and the recid ow can I found the rowid ?
If you need the ROWID of a record for which you only know the RECID then you have basically 1 1/2 options:

For understanding the difference between RECID and ROWID you may want to have a look @ Progress KB - FAQ: Recid and Rowid.
  1. You fetch the record with the RECID ( bufferName no-lock where recid ( bufferName ) = theRecidYouKnow ). As soon as you have the record in the buffer you can then query the ROWID ( rowidYouNeed = ROWID ( bufferName ) ).
  2. Really 1/2: One can calculate the ROWID from a RECID and vice versa. BUT: This doesn't hold water under all circumstances - hence the 1/2 option ( Progress KB - 4GL. How to convert a ROWID to a RECID and Vice Versa ) ...
If you need the ROWID of a record for which you only know the RECID then you have basically 1 1/2 options:

For understanding the difference between RECID and ROWID you may want to have a look @ Progress KB - FAQ: Recid and Rowid.
  1. You fetch the record with the RECID ( bufferName no-lock where recid ( bufferName ) = theRecidYouKnow ). As soon as you have the record in the buffer you can then query the ROWID ( rowidYouNeed = ROWID ( bufferName ) ).
  2. Really 1/2: One can calculate the ROWID from a RECID and vice versa. BUT: This doesn't hold water under all circumstances - hence the 1/2 option ( Progress KB - 4GL. How to convert a ROWID to a RECID and Vice Versa ) ...
Thank you for the tips, in fact I already was able to do it with the buffer name. But I wasn't with the VST tables.
I think it's likely more important for you to understand the specific code involved in this record contention than to know the specific records involved. Data may change and rowids/recids will change along with them, but it is the code that is causing this contention in the first place. If these record locks "block all the systems" then the code needs to be fixed.

You have said you know which users are involved. If you know that then the next step is to find out what those users are doing to cause this record contention. This presentation should help you. It is from the Progress Revolution 2011 conference.

What's That User Doing? The Progress OpenEdge Client Request Statement Cache
Gus Björklund, Progress Software
I think it's likely more important for you to understand the specific code involved in this record contention than to know the specific records involved. Data may change and rowids/recids will change along with them, but it is the code that is causing this contention in the first place. If these record locks "block all the systems" then the code needs to be fixed.

You have said you know which users are involved. If you know that then the next step is to find out what those users are doing to cause this record contention. This presentation should help you. It is from the Progress Revolution 2011 conference.

What's That User Doing? The Progress OpenEdge Client Request Statement Cache
Gus Björklund, Progress Software

Thanks I will work on this way too