Question Unable to open or create mfgprod.lg, error 13. (2257)

Suggests the user starting the database doesn't have the rights to write to the .lg file, or it's locked by another process.
How do you start your databases? With OE Management/OE Explorer, or manually with a proserve?

Error 13 suggests some process may be locking the file. Run Process Explorer and do a handle search for c:\qad\db\mfgprod.lg.
Does the file exist? Can you edit it using a text editor?
The file is already exist. I can open this file.

Also, why would you want to run a 32-bit OS on a database server in 2014?
I do run progress DB with MFG/PRO (QAD2013SE)
I do choose Windows 2008R1 32bit with Progress and QAD as the same 32bit.

How do you start your databases? With OE Management/OE Explorer, or manually with a proserve?

Error 13 suggests some process may be locking the file. Run Process Explorer and do a handle search for c:\qad\db\mfgprod.lg.
I do start by proenv.
Let me try on Progress Explorer.
You use "proenv" to start the db how? With "proserve"? Or "dbman"? (Please provide the whole command, and any output.)
I do run progress DB with MFG/PRO (QAD2013SE)
I do choose Windows 2008R1 32bit with Progress and QAD as the same 32bit.

This doesn't answer my question. Running 32-bit Progress doesn't require a 32-bit OS. Also, unless your databases are very small then you are limiting yourself by running 32-bit Progress. The only valid reason I could see for doing that is if you run server-side code that has unresolvable dependencies on 32-bit external libraries.
When you get errors just google e.g.
"openedge progress error 13"

Plenty of suggestions the same as above - permissions.

For what its worth, on some customer systems I have admin access but still have to run proenv or cmd prompt by selecting run as administrator.

Also install Win 2008 64 but, even if you are running 32 bit progress, you'll have to do it at some point because your users performance will really suffer.