decryption utility for progress


Wanted to know is there any utility to decrypt a program which was encrypted using progress Xcode utility?
If yes, please share the details.


Yes, such things exist.

If the program was encrypted in the first place there are almost certainly legal restrictions on decrypting it.
Can you provide the utility or link to download if available.
This is required for our client only who lost their source codes.

A guy in our office who is into this kind of thing looked at the object code of xcode.exe and based on that wrote a little decrypter in C in a couple of hours. I was skeptical but it amazingly seems to work on 100% of our files. I hope our customers don't figure this out! Normally I don't care about this kind of thing, but I feel a little funny posting the code, so I won't. Suffice it to say, it's doable... if you are comfortable reading Intel object code.
The encryption is designed to keep honest people honest. It certainly won't stop a determined scoundrel.

Personally I've never really understood the mindset of not releasing source. Customers are customers because they don't want to be developers. IMHO keeping the source away from them is just a counter-productive annoyance when they need to get stuff done.
Determined scoundrels, that's us!

You obviously have a higher confidence in the quality of your source code than I do, which must be nice ;)
Wanted to know is there any utility to decrypt a program which was encrypted using progress Xcode utility?
If yes, please share the details.



I am providing this support on chargable ground 1 program 1 USD.
