

New Member
Hi all,

I have a friend whose company is running SXE and they are having ahard time getting reports out of it.

I've worked with numerous systems over the years on the usual db's i.e. oracle, sql server, progress etc. and I was wondering what I am going to be up against?

Is SXE progress?

Will I have odbc issues?

SX.e is runs using Progress. And ODBC, I always thought were issues using ODBC in Progress. Several posts talk about alternatives, Soniq, etc.
The bigger problem is that the SXE data structure is, umm, "arcane". It is unlikely that you can just walk up to it and start writing useful reports.
The bigger problem is that the SXE data structure is, umm, "arcane". It is unlikely that you can just walk up to it and start writing useful reports.

tackling report writer is a walk in the park compared to writing gui applications for sxe (especially if you can't see the base code)

arcane? i think "chaotic" would be better...

in fact, finish the following sentence

writing applications in sxe is......
There are features that work great once you modify the source in SX.e. They have an over-abundance of share locks, and constant record lock contention issues, if you don't program enhancements correctly.

I have never used ODBC with SX.e, however, I would be reticent to add any feature to SX.e that would further degrade performance and function.

When you are talking of reports, I assume you mean report scheduler. This could be a training issue; setting up reports to run in the backround. Having users that run reports to foreground that have already been scheduled.

There are so many areas within SX.e for report management.

SAPR - ad-hoc reporting
RSES - report scheduling
RSSJ - Job Group Setup
RSSQ - Queue Setup

When you speak of problems, have you verified the setup of all the queues, job groups, and jobs?

Or is this related soley to ODBC?
Hi all,

I have a friend whose company is running SXE and they are having ahard time getting reports out of it.

Don't know if you are still looking at this but we've done extensive reporting against SX's Progress db (both v9 and v10) using ODBC and MS SQL Server Reporting Services.

Nothing we've done with ODBC has materially impacted transactional performance which, by the way, is outstanding.

I actually find the data architecture pretty straightforward.
unfortunately all our gui source code is encrypted and 'supported'.

Infor has some sort of web site that gives you access to the clear text one program at a time. Many customers do in fact create their own mods. Sometimes with, and sometimes without Infor's help.
Don't know if you are still looking at this but we've done extensive reporting against SX's Progress db (both v9 and v10) using ODBC and MS SQL Server Reporting Services.

Nothing we've done with ODBC has materially impacted transactional performance which, by the way, is outstanding.

I actually find the data architecture pretty straightforward.

We've begun using SQL Reporting Services as well; right now we're primarily using Brio (Hyperion, whatever it's called now) for reporting against the SX database. I'm hoping to get us using SQL much more heavily in the next 6 months, as we are site licensed for SQL.

As for the data structure, once you start to learn it, it makes sense--and thankfully it's *usually* consistent. But then again, once it starts to make sense, you start questioning some of your sanity.

Infor has some sort of web site that gives you access to the clear text one program at a time. Many customers do in fact create their own mods. Sometimes with, and sometimes without Infor's help.

If anyone knows this site, I'd love to get at it. Heck, I'd like to see some of the code for our own mods--Infor owns the mods and only gives us encrypted source code.
I am not sure if any site still exists with the ability to see the source code for any purchased add-on/mod/base application that SX.e sells. Every year we are still badgered to give up source code rights to SX.e.

SX.e seems to have a business plan built upon purchasing and integration of new products/features as opposed to development.

The support site is difficult to navigate, and if this web site exists to "clear text" as Tom Bascom stated, I would talk to your salesperson.

Remember, SX.e isn't keen on even allowing current customers to keep the rights to the source code; having them give it to you after the original purchase I don't see happening. If they do sell it, it will be prohibitively expensive, unless you have a huge budget to work with.

---- Personal opinion, Infor has those capable to mod their product, would I have them do it; an emphatic "NO". Have a capable programmer familiar with Progress, and hopefully, SX.e do it. Again, the group of programmers I work with may have spoiled me... Heck, even our mods are taken from SX.e and implemented into their products :). We may have already programmed the same thing you need :). If not, one of them would contract on the side...

Don't know if you are still looking at this but we've done extensive reporting against SX's Progress db (both v9 and v10) using ODBC and MS SQL Server Reporting Services.

Nothing we've done with ODBC has materially impacted transactional performance which, by the way, is outstanding.

I actually find the data architecture pretty straightforward.

I am a little surprised that you didnt have issues with ODBC and v9 of Progress.
I suggest that if you want to make your own modifications there is an option to do this. This is SX.Architect, no it is not free, but this is worthwhile having a look at. The contact at Infor is Ron Stephens or your Account Manager.

There is a course associated with this - and at the end of the course if you are a competent Progress developer will have a much better understanding.

Hope this helps.