How do I start learning Progress?


New Member
I'm completely new in this area (database), only have some experience in Java programming.

Please shed me some light.
The help files associated with Progress will be a starting point to learn. Manuals are also available either in CD or as printed version from Progress Software. However you can get a detailed training in Progress database from Progress Software Corporation itself.


for details.

However, if you have a specific question related to an issue or a topic, members in Progress forums like ProgressTalk, PEG etc. will be able to help you.

Goodluck and welcome to the world of Progress !
The help files associated with Progress will be a starting point to learn. Manuals are also available either in CD or as printed version from Progress Software. However you can get a detailed training in Progress database from Progress Software Corporation itself.


for details.

However, if you have a specific question related to an issue or a topic, members in Progress forums like ProgressTalk, PEG etc. will be able to help you.

Goodluck and welcome to the world of Progress !

that'll be great if you've got a thousand bucks or so laying around.

dd, following our conversation last week.

lookup the following concepts

tables and indexes, primary/foreign keys and relationships, transactions
( something along the lines of logical units of work ) and locks.

leave abstract concepts like the entity relationship theory and such for now.

like i said last week, i think, microsoft access has a very easy to follow
tutorial on database basics.

of course google, wikipedia, online tutorials etc. are very handy.

i've used in the past for various things. you could go check
that out.

after that and after you've downloaded the openedge documentation off get started with the language tutorial.

dont just read start hacking. atleast that works for me when i'm learning
something new.

i know that college can get you accustom to being told where to go and
what to do but you're going to have to be abit more independent.

i mean what are you looking for ? someone to walk you through all this, well,
thats probably not going to happen.

you're going to have to get started on your own. like i said, i think, you
could get functional in progress pretty fast.

bottom line is that theres literally endless resources on databases at all
levels out there.

good luck its going to be an interesting ride !
while we're on the subject

i'd like to recommend "Learning SQL" by Alan Beaulieu from O'Reilly ( you can find it )

excellent book, beautifully written and easy to follow

i read the book almost a year ago and found the entry to sql a very natural one
I just remembered a funny bit about this book

It actually mentions Progress 4GL in a short list of database specific languages

PL/SQL, Transact-SQL, SQL2003 Stored Procedure Language, PowerBuilder, PowerHouse 4GL, Progress 4GL

I had a good laugh seeing it :)
i have said this before, long time ago, the most embarrasing thing is when someone asks what my job, i say computer programmer, then they ask what language, and when i say "progress" i get that look of dumbfoundness hey? whats that?
