WS Broker Problem

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
WS 3.0B/NT 4.0/IIS 4.0
Experiencing frequent problems with starting Brokers. I'll stop one make a
change such as working directory entry, save it and it will not
restart....ever !

Even after restoring the directory to the original one, it won't re-start
and NO Log
either, despites it's insistence that one is being written....

Has anyone else run into this type of fragility with the brokers ?????
Our broker entries are relativly simple as yet, local working dir's, pf
files, not much else......

Any thoughts......
I had the same problem and I have Service pack 6 on NT. I ended up deleting
the broker, creating a new one with the same name and all the parameters I
wanted, set auto-start then re-booted my NT server. Now it has worked fine.
The no log when it said it was writing one really stumped me.

Charlie Stine, CPA, MBA
Senior Consultant
Protech Systems
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yessssssssssss....

The things are driving me crazy.
I had exactly the same problem. Each time I start the @#$#@ Explorer I wonder what it'll be this time. I lost my guts for changing things, so I'm working with the default broker settings now.

As that Progress Explorer thing only seems to run on NT I really don't understand why the darn thing is written in Java instead of in normal Progress anyway. The idea was nice, but the interface looks like nothing, starting the help functions in the explorer gives you plenty of time to figure things out yourself and a simple forced disconnect from the server makes the thing generate a nice GPF, but only with YOUR user account. The same explorer on the same machine but with another users' account gives no problem.

Some things in life one must not try to understand. This is one of 'em. Just accept and then avoid. :-(

Grtx, Eric