Wanted to know the effects of Re-Defining the Bill of Material (Product Structure) with new set of components


New Member
Hello friends,

This is my first post. Was working on the Bill of Materials. There was a requirement for re-defining the Bill of Materials (on which references for various past transactions exists).

With view of referential integrity, wanted to know if we delete the Bill Of Material or all the components from the Bill of Material and re-define new set of components, what will be the impact of various linked references/reports ~ for existing/old transactions.

Deleting/Archiving can be done from 13.23 Delete/Archive. But if someone helps me understand this, will be of great help to me in deciding to/not-to proceed further with the task for many such Bill of Material (Product structures).


Hello Team,

Any experts can answer this query, I feel.

Would like to know the impacts if possible before going for a change. I'm having limited resources & time to go for trials on trial instances and limited depth in QAD Functionality, as-well.

And from referential integrity, I mean, when all the transactions are built on the basic blocks of Objects viz. Masters, References, Structures & object relationships; there should be some/major impact on system/working, when we remove the base (which is not allowed normally); but in QAD I understand there's some different approach, which I don't know.

Early, Inputs would be helpful to take crucial but correct decision.

I'm waiting to hear from someone, please.




I'm working on the same kind of ERP.
For us we don't "DELETE" the BOM like that. If take the view of data management it's a savage solution.

We used an cancelation button that add the date value to candat (cancelation date) field. Like this all the application working with the BOM check if the BOM is still available with this candat field. Also we can cancel only one component for one finish product and not all the BOM.

You need to work on this way.

It's allow you to manage all your BOM and keep historical of what you did for past research you will need.
The drawbacks of this solution could be the amount of data that you will need to archive.

Hope that it is helping you,

Best Regards,

- BobyIsProgress -
Hello friends,

This is my first post. Was working on the Bill of Materials. There was a requirement for re-defining the Bill of Materials (on which references for various past transactions exists).

With view of referential integrity, wanted to know if we delete the Bill Of Material or all the components from the Bill of Material and re-define new set of components, what will be the impact of various linked references/reports ~ for existing/old transactions.

Deleting/Archiving can be done from 13.23 Delete/Archive. But if someone helps me understand this, will be of great help to me in deciding to/not-to proceed further with the task for many such Bill of Material (Product structures).


Instead delete try to expire the BOM seting "End Date" value.
There are not direct impact if you delete the BOM, but for historical purposes is better to expire it.
Note: If you have custom reports, need to be sure all queries to BOM (ps_mstr table) are using ps_start and ps_end values correctly.
Hi BobyInProgres, Marco,

Thank you very much for your updates. These will be of great help to us, in proceeding further with our project of re-defining the BoMs. Also it's true that deleting BoMs will disturb the historical tracks & reports; which was one of my purpose for getting confirmation on.

As mentioned, will need to put the End-Eff-Date against each components not required in the BoMs, which will be a big task for us.

Once done, will update you.

Thanks once again to both.


Best wishes
