want basics of progress.


New Member
I am basically non-IT guy with less programming knowledge, but now i am working in progress. i find some difficults while programming ...

please give some suggestion to learn from basic..

at present i am using progress handbook.. whether is it enough or else
some other i have to do..
Progress handbook is a good start. There are also many samples. You can look at psdn for more information. (http://www.psdn.com/library/index.jspa)

What helped me a lot is looking in the sources others made in my company and trying to understand what they did and why they did it.

The basic's of Progress is an ambiguous question.Progress has 2 entities, the database and the ABL/4GL.Is it just the ABL you are interested in?
Dear Powell,

ya, i am interested in 4gl only....
Just now i entered into progress, please give your valuable suggestion...

Thanks in advance.:):):)