
Casper Moderator
Staff member
Hi All,

As you have noticed, there is an increased amount of spam posted on this site. We are working quite hard to get rid of the spam. We are not online 24/7, so it might take some time for us to clean it up. If you see spam, please report it so we can logon to remove it.


Yes the spam has gotten to be pretty constant. I've added a few controls which will hopefully slow the spam down enough that it becomes too cumbersome for it to be worth the effort.
I appreciate captcha as an anti-spam measure, it does however detract from my forum experience.

Can accounts be marked as 'known human'? And if so, can I please be marked
'human' :awink:
I agree it is a bit annoying to have to fill in the captcha with every post....
cant we just dos-attack the spammers? :)
I am not happy with the captcha solution as sometimes I am forced to enter characters that are not present on my keyboard. Is there any place where I would be able to configure this?

TIA, RealHeavyDude.
Don't mind lending a hand on the moderation front if it's needed. I'm usually around during UK office hours.
I don't know if there is an interface from this software to Mollum, but if there is, I have been very, very happy with what it has done to the spam problem on some Drupal sites.
just want to say a big thank you for removing that annoying captcha :)

maybe you should try to validate the users email address before allowing them to post, put a captcha on validation page or something... some clean-up will still be required from time to time, we are all probably used to ignore spam anyway ;)
Re: How to format windows 7 ultimate without removing the windows itself?

Ok so this is getting rather silly now. Massive amounts of spam and none of it seems to be getting removed :(
Re: How to format windows 7 ultimate without removing the windows itself?

As this is a developer forum - at least that's my opinion - I ask myself whether these spamers just accidentally waste our time or if they do it on purpose. I don't think they will get much out of their spam here.
Re: How to format windows 7 ultimate without removing the windows itself?

thats a really good point... not much chance of any of us clicking on their links... guess could just part of a auto system that attacks lots of forums or something
Re: buy Asendin mastercard in Vancouver

god the spam is really bad now... its even on this thread about spam
Re: buy Asendin mastercard in Vancouver

This is beginning to bother me. Mostly I am a guy who likes to help when I can. But I don't like to have stumbling blocks in my way for that. Therefore I do hope that the situation will get better soon ...