Running next page from secure WebSpeed post


I have a secure WebSpeed webpage that contains a form that I need to process once user selects submit. I have setup code to handle the processing, but when I get to the point where I need to advance to the next page, I get an error from the browser that the transaction was not secure and it stops processing which causes the user to end up with a blank page. The portion of the WebSpeed SpeedScript code under the POST processing section to advance to the next page looks as follows

request_method = "get":u.
{&OUT} "  <SCR" + "IPT SRC=' LANGUAGE='JavaScript'></SCR" + "IPT>~n".
{&OUT} "  <SCR" + "IPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript' TYPE='text/javascript'>~n".
{&OUT} "  gotonextpage('" + string(var1) + "','" + string(var2) + "');~n".     
{&OUT} "  </SCR" + "IPT>~n".
return error.

A sample of the code in the .js files is as follows

var cNonSecure = '';
var cSecure    = '';

function doJS() {
  //empty function

function gotonextpage(var1,var2) {   
  var cURL = cSecure + 'app/nextpage.r?var1=' + var1 + '&var2=' + var2;
//  document.location.assign(cURL);

// set cookie to indicate namigation mode - secure or normal
function setLoginCookie(navMode) {
  document.cookie='navMethod=' + navMode + '; path=/';

What do I need to change to ensure the secure transaction processing from page to page?
Are all of the other links on the page secure too? For example, all of the js, css, png and jpg's. It used to be just IE that insisted that everything was secure but more and more browsers insist not only on the main html page using https but also every linked file too. The easiest way is to only ever use relative paths rather than include http then if the main page is https so will all of the referenced files.

I have some non secure links on the page. I will update those and see of that resolves the issue. Thank you for the suggestion.