Report Writers

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Is anyone happy with the report writer that they are using? If so, please

Thank you,
Brenda Istvan
Webasto Sunroofs, Inc.
Look into VCQ (Visual Cyber Query) by CyberScience
After 3 year of fighting with Results we have switch to this product and are
extremly pleased. Plus it supports most major database environments and
platforms so if you are in a mix environment you can use the same tool to
access Progress, MS SQL, Oracle etc form both Unix and NT.

You can find more info on the QAD site under partners.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 12:13 PM
Subject: Report Writers

Is anyone happy with the report writer that they are using? If so, please

Thank you,
Brenda Istvan
Webasto Sunroofs, Inc.
Has anyone also used CorVu, or Cognos, with MFG/PRO and Progress? Do you
have end users, not just programmers using the these tools? Does it seem to
meet their needs?
Len Rontanini
I am working at a client that is using CorVu.
What I hear from the CorVu "manager" is that it is a good high-level tool. That is, it can be used by end-users with little difficulty. Good GUI interface, etc. That also means that it is easy for an end-user to bring the server to its knees, of course.
Also, CorVu can be configured one of two methods of connecting to the database. One way is to interface it to Progress Client Networking and basically use the Progress client to interpret the SQL calls generated by CorVu. This method is not recommended because CorVu holds a transaction open for as long as the session lasts. (Report Builder used to have this problem. see the Progress knowledgebase). The other method of connecting is called an "ABA server" that is available from CorVu. That also holds a transaction open in the database, but only for the duration of any single report.

David Takle
Software Consultant
Find First Consultant, Inc.
Sorry...totally missed the part where you would like to get some feedback....

GL Report Writer is okay.... I would consider other reporting tools over it, though, like Crystal Reports. But then again, it is a tool, so what you get is what you put in... If you plan things carefully, you can spit out some decent reports from it.

The one problem I keep having to remind my end-users is that they would have to synchronnize the databases before running the reports.

>>> <> 10/05 12:13 PM >>>

Is anyone happy with the report writer that they are using? If so, please

Thank you,
Brenda Istvan
Webasto Sunroofs, Inc.
We too are using CorVu. WE JUST LIKE IT!!!!! We looked at QAD's DSS and
found that it provided few possibilities to meet our requirements and was
dreadfully difficult to use for both developers (needed to even begin making
a go of the product) and End users (who were provided little to no
capabilities for Ad-Hoc query).

CorVu provides all of the capabilities that we could ask and soon will also
provide Pivot-Table and full Analytical Quantitative and Qualitative
Balanced Scorecards.

We've moved beyond the basic query and report writing are now planning a
full blown EIS looking like the Flight Control Panel of the 777.
Capabilities such as Dynamic Multi-Dimensional hierarchies,
Trending/Forecasting and both Fixed and Quick Reporting capabilities are all
easy to learn and use for both IT staff and End Users.

OK, there is room for improvement in Scheduling Queries and the 3rd tier
architecture, but, CorVu is dealing with these issues and we expect to be
able to move the scheduler from NT to HP-UX soon. (Subliminal note to
CorVu: Hey, how about allowing us to create fully encapsulated object
queries that include the CorVu Connectivity, the Query and Output Source and
that can be scheduled using an external scheduler (Harvest, CRON or OPC) to
provide full multi-threading and predecessor/successor based execution?)

By the Way, Has anybody heard about a Y2K issue with CyberScience's VCQ
(Visual Cyber Query), something to do with an expiration date prior to

Tony Vallin
Transitions Optical, Inc.
Tanya --

I second what Neal has written.

In our experience teaching PROGRESS Results to MFG/PRO Users, the issue is
not how to use the tool (whether it is Results, Corvu, VCQ, etc.), but how
readily the user can understand the makeup of the MFG/PRO database and its
many idiosyncracies.

Beyond the question of the concepts, it is a matter of figuring out what you
are really trying to accomplish, and for whom:
* is it presentation quality reports prepared by a sophisticated user or
an experienced data analyst
* are you trying to have users create prototype reports for demonstration
purposes ("see, this is
what I mean, but the tool doesn't seem to let me do exactly what I
want") that would then be turned
over to MIS to complete (and add to the MFG/PRO menu structure)
* is the objective the ability to perform complex data analysis, with less
emphasis on the format of
the output

Some organizations we know have used Results as a way to get users
accustomed to the concepts, and then moved on to more sophisticated tools
once they see the limitations in Results.

John Nisbet
Kilcreggan Systems and Software, Inc.
QAD Alliance Partner
1191 Chestnut Street Suite 2-6
Newton, MA 02464-1351
(617) 969-5432 x201
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the obstacle we see to the
use of query/report tools is an understanding of the database. Since this
is a QAD list, that presumes QAD.

It seems that the beginning QAD user is just not willing to learn how
the records are tied together, and will run out of conceptual steam before
the tool runs out of power.

If they just want address labels, then you may be ok.

If they say sales analysis, run and hide.

If they say Bills of Material, kill yourself.

But that is just our opinion.