Question Recommendations for geocoding US addresses


Active Member
While not really a Progress issue (and perhaps this should go in the API section?), does anyone have any recommendations for geocoding US addresses? We have a group of customers that require geocoding US addresses to get latitude/longitude by year's end. They would not be used for mapping or directions, only to be sent as part of a process for the dispatching of service vehicles.

I found a simple one easily scripted that uses the Yahoo maps API, but as far as I can tell Yahoo intends on closing it down and having users utilize their new Placefinder API (which is a possibility). I've also looked at the Google API, but the TOS is too restrictive to use as just a method of retrieving the latitude/longitude since they require using it with their maps.

The number of queries would be around 5000 per month per customer (each has their own server), so it's not high volume.

I've researched a number of the available geocoding services, both free and otherwise, but was wondering if anyone has any recommendations/suggestions/experience as to which might be better overall to use, as to accuracy, cost, and speed?

OE10.2x Linux.