Problem on mrp run

Luz Cornejo

New Member
Dear experts,

Our company is experiencing problem during MRP run. The order action report does not include some stocks that needs to be purchased so we have to check the stocks one by one if the report is accurate.

Any help/feedback is much appreciated.

Thanks and best regards,
Luz A. Cornejo
Hello experts,

Sorry i forgot to mention the version of syteline I'm using. Its sytelineERP ver 6.00.10 and progress ver 9.1c.

Thanks and best regards,

In Item Maintenance, make sure you have the following for the items in question:
MPS Flag (not checked)
Accept Requirements (checked)
Pass Requirements (checked)

Also, check if these Purchased items have a fixed lead time (in Item Maint). If they do - check your Planning Parameters - specifically the the two date fields.
If the lead time is a greater date than the planning date (looking ahead) - then again, MRP won't show a plan for the item.

There are more scenarios here - but the above is generally the issue. let me know if this works or not...

Dear experts,

How are you? I have some questions regarding planning parameters and some set-up in the item maintenance. This is my first time in using syteline ERP and I am confuse on how some set-up should be set accurately. I have checked the planning paremeters and these are the data:
General tab: Forecast look ahead=14; Forecast look behind=30
Fields with check: Apply scrap factor, Use dynamic leadtime, CO and forecast online, Mfg and PO online.
Reference tab: Use CO and forecast=both
Fields with check: Check PO requisitions; Check PO Req from PLN
Fences: 30day=120; 90day=240
APS is not installed.

According to your last reply, if the fixed lead time set in the item maintenance is greater than the planning paremeter look ahead, mrp won't show a plan for the item. But when I run MRP generation, and checked some items which has a higher fixed lead time than the forecast look ahead in the planning parameter, it is included in the order recommendation report.
Example: Item A with the following set up
General tab: Fixed lead time=15 days; Stocked with check; type: Material; source: Manufactured; cost method: specific
Planning tab: Days supply=15; Safety stock:12; with check: accept reqts and pass reqts; leadtime: paper work=2, fixed=15

Is there some errors on the above set-up?

Thanks and best regards,

In the Planning Parameters - Fences, change these values to a question mark (?). Save.
What are the dates in the MDAY Start and MDAY End fields? (under Planning Parms - General Tab)...

Hello Darren,

Thank you for your reply. The MDAYstart 01/01/05 is MDAY end is 12/31/20. Minimum hours in work day is 8.


If you still are not getting items on the Order Action Report that need to be acted upon, I suggest you get a consultant to look in more detail at your Syteline 6 system. This is not necessarily a Progress-based issue, but more of a business process issue.