New version

2.4 - [03.12.2009]
+ Save position on exit
+ Find string from command line possibility
+ Add selected text to replace dialog default
+ New setting screen (definition of color scheme)
+ New version dll
* Set focus to replace dialog and back at the end
* Corected Tab index in replace dialog
* Fixed export to html on some strange characters
* Updated common dialog routines
* Don't show non existing favorites
* Add and refresh MRU files after Save as

First of all nice program, quick editing, code highlighting although I have two bugs for now:
1) if a read-only file is opened, saved, the editor loks like it is saved, but on the disk nothing (unix server with samba)
2) checked in options to uppercase the keywords but it does nothing.

New version

1) if a read-only file is opened, saved, the editor loks like it is saved, but on the disk nothing (unix server with samba)
2) checked in options to uppercase the keywords but it does nothing.
2.5 - [13.12.2009]
+ added auto case keywords
+ added new tool: auto case keywords in whole source
* fixed TAB order in settings screen
+ added file ReadOnly functionality (new option in menu)
+ increased autocomplete list rows (5 -> 7)
New version

2.6 - [04.03.2010]
+ added tabbed interface
* toolbar is not wrapable anymore
* Fixed bug with setting file attributes
+ Read Only status is now displayed in statusbar
+ Accept more than one file by Drag and Drop
+ Some additional checks by command line
* Setting focus after returning to main window from Windows
+ Remember only unique strings in search and replace dialogs
+ Added manifest to executable

(this release has new rewriten engine so i hope everything will be working well)
How I can do open include file?
I see that so like: I select text (file name with directory
RUN customers/brs.p (...)
-> &find="brs/find.i" 
) put right mouse button and choose "Open file" or without select file name but only put right mouse button.
Lock in (Get Soft - ED4Win
I change file, save it, and choose File/Reload and see message "not exists! [OK]" (this work on all opened file). It's bug or I do something wrong?

And this problem:
New version

2.7 - [01.04.2010]
+ New version dll
+ Propath setting
+ Open selected string as new file (F4)
+ Allow save maximized window position
+ By opening files from system show Piew in foreground
+ Confirmation question by reloading file
+ Restore last opened files on start
* Fixed reload file bug
* Undo can go only to "after load" mo
Last edited:
New version

2.8 - [04.05.2010]
+ Added annotations
+ Modified flag moved from editor caption to each tab caption
+ Simplified number of styles and their definition
* Fixed loosing drag and drop ability after using "Close all but this"
* Fixed Find/Replace after searching/replacing from history
* Fixed enabling Find/Replace button by selecting string only with mouse
* Fixed non working auto case after pressing ENTER
* Fixed sending quoted paths to editor through command line
- Some settings moved from ini to reg (Show line numbers, Show white space)
New version

2.9 - [22.05.2010]
+ Show existing instance on top of the screen if user run new one
+ In statusbar show full path of source as tooltip
+ New version dll (2.0.1 -> 2.0.3)
* Fixed input of local characters from keyboard (diacritic)
* Fixed wrong working auto case (breaked in 2.8)
* Changing behavior of "}" character as a line termination
* Fixed storing annotations on exit
* Fixed work with locked files
Re: Piew - Free PROGRESS editor and source code viewer for Win32

It will be very nice if you could participate in creation of new style for Notepad++. Currently there is a patch ( for Notepad++ for syntax highlighting. It replace a Postscript style. Maybe you can help them (Notepad++ team; to implement a highlighting exactly as in your application. I am missing in Piew a UTF8 coding and converting to UTF8 and to ANSI.
New Version

3.0 - [08.09.2010]
- New icons (Thanx Tines)
- Print preview
- New options in setting dialog: Print Color (Black & White), Wrap line by printing
- Moved all setting from ini to registry
- File path ToolTip moved to Tabs and added also file DateTime
- Export to XML: Add after <BR> new line
- New settings section in registry, you can use also old version of Piew simultaneously
- Command 'Close All'
- Better file Associations
- Keyboard shortcuts to Tab navigation
- Change Tab position with mouse
- Write Protected File
- Some keyboard shortcuts
- Better start (not blinking, resizing)
- AddButtons
- Crash on returning from Options to empty Piew
- Replace dialog

Whole editor is rewrited and all is ported to new version of Visual Studio. This version no more use .OCX files (problem with registration on some new Windows). For run you must have Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 installed.
Great Editor.

Two Things to add would make my life grand:biggrin:

Clone view. Like in Notepad++(The only reason why i use it) and sync scrolling.
FIND string in all opened documents like in Notepad++.

Other then that A++.

Only error i am having.....

Error message i am getting when i try to run syntax check and run.
I have tried it with and without quotes. The error message is the same regardless.

** Could not recognize argument: and. (301)

Settings in Options
Path to Progress Help File:
"C:\Program Files\Progress\prohelp\lgrfeng.hlp"

Check syntax command line:
C:\Program Files\Progress\bin\prowin32.exe -p %1\syntax.p -param %2

Run Command line:
C:\Program Files\Progress\bin\prowin32.exe -p %1\run.p -param %2
New version

3.1 - [02.10.2010]
+ Added highlight all occurrence of double-clicked word in document
+ Added highlight string occurrence in search dialog (case, word, beginning parameterized)
+ Added Find next/previous word under cursor (no need go to Find dialog)
+ Added new tool align DEFINE VARIABLE lines
+ Added new tool align ASSIGN lines

+ Now can be AutoCase call to selected range
* Fixed start on 64bit operating systems
* Fixed restore last opened files
* Fixed Bug with Drag&Drop to empty editor

Detailed description:
- Highlight word - just double-click on some word (Case sensitive Off, Whole word) another double-click removes highlighting
- Highlight any word - Search dialog (Case, Word, Beginning parameterized)
- Quick search next/previous word under cursor (Case sensitive Off, Whole word) Ctrl+F3 or Ctrl+Shift+F3
- Align DEF VAR - first select lines beginning with "DEF* VAR*" or with "FIELD*" string and then you can run this action. Definition should be on one line because Piew is always checking "." at the end of line - if not then is added. Indent will be used from first line. At the end you get message about how many lines was changed. It will work on basic "DEF VAR" lines. So always check output if it's all right, in some cases can be output damaged!
def Var part as chaR.
  define var quantity as int no-undo.
- Align ASSIGN - lines must contain " = " string to be aligned. First line of all selected lines should contain first expression or ASSIGN statement. Indent will be used from first line.

quantity = 13
   part = "xxx".
  quantity = 13
  part     = "xxx".
In both align cases are replacing double space to single space " " -> " ". Can damage text strings!!!
New version

3.1a - [06.10.2010]
* Fixed problem with printing
+ Added option Open files in "Write protected mode"
+ Added new indicator for file in "Write protected mode" - #
New version

3.2 - [13.11.2010]
+ Added new tool Code explorer
+ Width of line number margin has increased (better for 99999 lines)
* Better remove comment tool
+ Faster file closing (don't check annotations inside file if they was not used)
* Fixed allow "Save as" to the same file name as was the original file name
+ MRU file list extended from 4 to 7
* Fixed start position of Find & Replace dialog when "Save window position on exit" is turned off
* Fixed switched Ident & Unindent icons
New version

3.30 - [03.01.2011]
+ Added long line marker
+ Added aliases
+ Check for updates + shortcut for homepage

To use an alias, type it and use the "Expand alias" command or the Ctrl+B key. The alias is replaced by an expansion defined in the Aliases file. You can open the Aliases file with a button in the Options menu and edit or add aliases. Default PROGRESS aliases are included in the distributed piew.als file.

Each line in the files looks like "alias==expansion". The aliases names can have only letters characters. Line begining with # is ignored (comments).
Macros that can be used:
%c Place cursor.
%n Insert new line.
%d Insert the date.
%t Insert the time.
%i Insert 1 ident string (Tab or Spaces with tabulator width based on your settings, but you can use in aliases hard coded Spaces or Tabs)
