New logo


The new logo is nice. I like it much better :)

However... it is a bit large -- 250px? That's a lot of screen real estate. Especially on an iPhone or an iPad. They layout is doing funky things on iDevices. I'm not sure if it size related or if there is something funky in the HTML but the rendering on iPhones and iPads is decidedly non-optimal.
And it would be even nicer if it were in the space next to the "home" button on the menu bar rather than above it -- that would save a bit more real-estate ;) I don't know if vbulletin will allow that though. The html source doesn't show an obvious way to do it.
I thought it was time for a logo redesign, the one we had was created 10 years ago if you can believe that.

Thanks for the feedback, I do appreciate it. That's my bad for designing on my iMac's 30" screen, looked to be the perfect size there! ;) It's now 125px which seems to fit in much better, and looks to be about the right size on my iPad.

It's funny that you mentioned iPhone and iPad, since the new logo is partly due to that. I just submitted a native iPhone app to allow access to ProgressTalk to the App Store for approval last night. The new logo was created for the app icon. I'll let you know as soon as it becomes approved, which should be in the next week or two.

We also have a new Mobile Theme installed here as well, which will be the default when viewing the site from most smart phones.
It's definitely better -- still a lot of empty dark blue space at the top that seems like it could be used for something useful (I'm on a 24" monitor right now...)

A mobile app would be very cool -- keep us posted!
Not sure when this started, but the latest Firefox seems to think the pages on here are a lot wider than they actually are. I can scroll right a looooooooooooooooooooong way.

Have just scrolled all the way right and noticed it's displaying the little magnifying glass for the search right over there.

I've not tried it in any other browser as I don't tend to use any other browser.
Curious, I was going to say that I didn't have the problem since the page is displaying normally, but then I saw that there *was* a scrollbar. Sure enough, there is nothing actually to the right of what I can see except that little magnifying glass *way* out there!
I was able to get this issue fixed.

Not sure when this started, but the latest Firefox seems to think the pages on here are a lot wider than they actually are. I can scroll right a looooooooooooooooooooong way.

Have just scrolled all the way right and noticed it's displaying the little magnifying glass for the search right over there.

I've not tried it in any other browser as I don't tend to use any other browser.
You might want to check your agent handling for style-sheets. Your site is not correctly loading the style-sheets in IE9. Its working in Chrome and firefox. Dont expect you to support IE6 but it should work in IE9.


I noticed in IE9 the site will not display correctly in standards mode which is weird. the css is completely broken. It should display correctly in standards mode. Anyway to fix this you should check for IE and if the browser is IE add the meta

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" >
