
New Member
We are running Vantage 6.1 with a Progress 9.1D back end. The database is kept on a Windows 2000 SP 4 server. I query the database on my Windows 7 64 Bit machine using DataDirect Connect for ODBC 5.1. This works great and has for a while. I recently encountered an issue with some of my BIG queries. (The only thing that may have changed was the database grew in size). After running for a while I get the following message Error1: ERROR [HY000] [DataDirect][ODBC PROGRESS driver][PROGRESS] Unable to allocate disk block for temp table use [MM – No data block] (7631). These queries are being run from VB.NET 2010. I know virtually nothing with the backend database other than how to query it. If any advice involves access from Progress Explorer or such please provide a step by step guide e.g ( Log into Server 2000-> Go to programs Progress Explorer etc). This is a production system and very fragile so I am hoping any changes have little to no impact or the chance of data corruption.
How can I find the version?

This is running an ERP system and our corporate office has mandated that if we change anything we have to move to different we haven't changed for years.
You should probably move sooner rather than later...

In the directory where Progress is installed there will be a text file called version. That should show you the exact service pack.

The KB I linked has some examples to show how to correct your SQL to help out without changing install settings... at least in most cases.
PROGRESS Version 9.1D0920 as of Tue Oct 19 20:04:28 EDT 2004

I actually watched the space on the server get consumed when I ran the query. It looks like it took just shy of 500mb when it threw the error. I'm guessing that means that it reached the max size of the swap/temp table which is 500 mb?
Yes. You can adjust it but that is usually more of a hack.

You should evaluate the query and see why it is using so much swap.
I reached out to the ERP service department and they told me its out of their scope talk to Progress. I emailed Progress and they said go talk to your ERP provider (Epicor). So, in any event is there a little HowTo to preform this -SQLTempDisk size increase? I don't even know where to start. The tools that I use are called Progress Explorer Tool (to start and stop the database). Is this a "safe" action to preform? I have a test DB system but ultimately need to preform on the production one.
Epicor is lying to you.... they sold you Progress and as such they are the first line of defense for Progress support. Once they determine it is not an application issue they can open joint support calls for you so that Progress can handle the non application issues.

In Progress Explorer you can add -SQLTempDisk 1500000 (roughly 1.5gb) to the database startup options (where it has all of the other options) and restart the database.

I would highly advise you try this on the test system first and I still think you need to evaluate why the query requires so much temp space, since you might just run into a 32-bit limit anyways. I have never had to increase the parameter working on some very large (multiple TB) databases... even when pulling large amounts of data from the server.

9.1D documentation is available here....
I actually was able to get Epicor proxy a call with Progress. They basically said exactly what you did, but were not very confident in their response. I was told to put the change -SQLTempDisk 1500000 in the Progress Explorer Tool->LocalHost->Databases->Mfgsys61->defaultconfigurations->General->Other server arguments. I tried a value of 1000000 but I was getting errors after loggin in. I am going to try 1500000. Progress said to reboot the whole server, cant I just start and stop the database?
BTW I finally got it working. Your input and advice was more helpful and knowledgeable then Progress and Epicor combined!
