FrontPage 2k and Prog v9.1a


New Member
I need a little help.

I'm trying to connect to a Progress v9.1a DB on a NT 4.0 sp6a Server using FP2k.

On the server I've set up the db through ProControl using one service name. Then started the OIBroker using another service name (I have both service entries in the services file). I've set all the environment variables on the system (dlc, prooibrk, prooidrv, promsgs, procfg, idlc, ipromsgs). I created the entry in the ODBC-32 admin from control panel.

On the workstation (w2k), I created a new web and saved the home page as a .ASP file. From the Insert menu, I selected database -> results. I filled in all the appropriate information and when I Verify the connection, I get the following error:

Server error: Unable to connect to a database from the web server using the connection string 'DRIVER={MERANT 3.60 32-BIT Progress SQL92 v9.1A};SERVER=PROGRESS;DATABASE=FM2000'.

The following error message comes from the database driver software; it may appear in a different language depending on how the driver is configured.
[MERANT][ODBC PROGRESS driver]Insufficient information to connect to the data source.

Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Number: -2147467259 (0x80004005)

What else do I need for the connection? I've tried going into DB Admin and adding a user. That didn't work. I've tried adding all the environment variables to the system and to the advanced button for the connection (on the workstation).

I've refered to several Progress KB's (17204, 18610, 17775, 20143).

What am I missing - doing wrong? Does FP2K support SQL92?

Any help is much appreciated!!
Have you tried connecting from the workstation though a different application, say Access or Excel? It's possible trying this might give you some better clues as to what is going on. From your post, it looks like you got everything setup properly.
I did try and connect through Excel. I saw the tables, but couldn't get into the records. I have to recreate the situation so I can get the error, but I know it was an "Authorisation Error".

I'll get back to you soon.
You may need to grant SELECT privliges to the user you are logging in as... I ran into this same situation and that solved the problem for me.