Question Connecting to Progress database thru IBM Cloud Secure Gateway client


New Member
We are trying to connect to an on-premise Progress OpenEdge database from an IBM Cloud instance using the IBM Secure Gateway product. This works using an ODBC connection, unfortunately IBM is saying that the OpenEdge ODBC connection requires multiple ports and this is not supported. Has anyone had success in doing this?


Is their problem "multiple ports" as in they refuse to support more than 1 port?

Or is their problem that they want to restrict the number of ports to something "reasonable" and/or "known"?

If they simply refuse to support more than one port you are out of luck.

If they are willing to compromise and would just like to have a bit more control over things then you should consider using -minport and -maxport and set them to an appropriately small range.


New Member
As I understand it they only support the use of one port. I was not aware that the ODBC interface required more than a single port and that it used the minport/maxport controls. When the Windows ODBC DSN is defined only a single port is specified.


The port specified for the DSN is the port used to login and validate credentials. Once the connection is established further communications occur on a port that is assigned from the min/max range.

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
To expand on what @TomBascom said, when a TCP client (whether ABL or SQL) connects to an OpenEdge database, it first connects to a login broker which listens on a statically-defined port. This is the port number you see in your DSN. It is the only port the client needs to know to initiate the connection process, but it is not the only port that is used.
The broker sends the client the port number of the server process that it should connect to. The client then disconnects from the broker and connects to the server that is listening on the provided port number. The client then communicates with the server for its data access.