Cancelling a Checked out object

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
We have "checked out" an existing source object in RT (v8.2). The revision
has been incremented, and a copy of the source "copied" to a users
sub-directory as specified when the task was defined.

No modifications have been made to this souce, and we wish to "cancel" the
selection of this object. We are afraid of using the DEL menu item, which
has the help "Delete Object from Workspace". If I select the DEL menu item
(which this object selected), will I only delete it from the USER's
workspace, effectively cancelling the previous "check-out"?

Neil Marriott
> We have "checked out" an existing source object in RT (v8.2). The
> revision has been incremented, and a copy of the source "copied" to a
> users sub-directory as specified when the task was defined.
> No modifications have been made to this souce, and we wish to "cancel" the
> selection of this object. We are afraid of using the DEL menu item, which
> has the help "Delete Object from Workspace". If I select the DEL menu
> item (which this object selected), will I only delete it from the USER's
> workspace, effectively cancelling the previous "check-out"?
> Neil Marriott

Indeed, it will only revert the checkout and give you back the
previously checked-in object.

As a matter of fact I wish this would be default behaviour on check-
in time, when RTB detects no changes.

Jurjen Dijkstra, programmer.
Progress reference to the Windows API:
Be aware that the copy of the source object in the user's working directory
is not automatically deleted as would be expected, it has to be deleted
manually. If this is not done, the next time the same user checks out the
program, it is not replaced in his working directory by the latest version
from central as the program exist in his working directory already and then
the user unknowingly modifies an old version of the program.

Rona Loubser

-----Original Message-----
From: Jurjen []
Sent: Friday, September 17, 1999 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: Cancelling a Checked out object

> We have "checked out" an existing source object in RT (v8.2). The
> revision has been incremented, and a copy of the source "copied" to a
> users sub-directory as specified when the task was defined.
> No modifications have been made to this souce, and we wish to "cancel" the
> selection of this object. We are afraid of using the DEL menu item, which
> has the help "Delete Object from Workspace". If I select the DEL menu
> item (which this object selected), will I only delete it from the USER's
> workspace, effectively cancelling the previous "check-out"?
> Neil Marriott

Indeed, it will only revert the checkout and give you back the
previously checked-in object.

As a matter of fact I wish this would be default behaviour on check-
in time, when RTB detects no changes.

Jurjen Dijkstra, programmer.
Progress reference to the Windows API: