Calling load_df.p load_d.p from Progress License.

Hello All,
Sorry to be a pain with this subject.

Ok, so I can call these Progress Admin utils directly from my programs.
However do you know of a way of switching off the Loading and Error Counters and the Table Load Complete messages.
I don't want or need them.

What I did before was to take prodict/dump/_loddata.p etc and comment out the messages and display load counter from them, but I think that ovber-kill.

Any help much appreciated.

Hi Benji-

You can do this pretty easily by just saying:<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana">code:</font><HR><pre>
OUTPUT TO loadfile.txt.
RUN prodict/_loaddf.p ("mydelta.df").

This will re-direct screen output to a file, loadfile.txt. This will also come in handy if you have installation problems and need to track down to see if the load procedures ran properly.



Chris Schreiber Manager
thanks for the advice.

That one isn't too much of a problem.
The problem as specified is load_d.p
the data load.

I hoave coded with the same code as you specified but during data load the
number being loaded increments on the screen by 100 each increment and the number errors are displayed if any.

This continues to happen if you redirect your output.
Is it something to do with the SESSION handle IMMEDIATE-DISPLAY ??

Also there is a pause statement in this load data section. Annoying stuff.

Do I have an option besides taking prodict/dump/_loddata.p and changing to remove the display which are cauing me grief ?

Much appreciated.

Hi there. I forgot about that counter in the load data procedure. It's not the SESSION:IMMEDIATE-DISPLAY, that is a GUI attribute to either paint the screen as each widget is realized or paint all at once when the blocking statement is hit (the WAIT-FOR).

Basically your only option would be to remove the piece of code from the procedure that displays the load progress 100 records at a time. Sorry there isn't an easier way around this.


Chris Schreiber Manager