Calculate Qty on Hand

Be careful this will total Non-Nettable as well itemloc.mrbflag = yes/no.
On hand but maybe not available?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana">code:</font><HR><pre>
You could do this ...
def var t-qty-on-hand like itemwhse.qty-on-hand no-undo.
def var t-item like itemwhse.item init "AL-10000" no-undo.

FOR EACH itemwhse WHERE itemwhse.item = t-item NO-LOCK:
t-qty-on-hand = t-qty-on-hand + itemwhse.qty-on-hand .

disp t-qty-on-hand with stream-io.
or you could do this

RUN get-itemwhse-info from the rules procedure
Since the rebalance utility has been brought up, can someone briefly explain
to me when/how the Rebalance Item Quantity On Hand Utility should be used.
We have begun cycle counting, and those doing the counts are using this to
correct Inventory in the system when they can't balance the Items. It seems
to me like placing a Band-Aid on a potentially serious wound - the reason
for the discrepancy is not discovered and the mentality seems to be, "well,
if we can't account for the difference, let's just rebalance." Is this how
the utility is meant to be used?
That's not what the Rebalance utility is meant for - all it does is sum the
on-hand quantities in the stockroom locations. It's typical use is after
abnormal terminations, crashes, conversions, etc. - non-normal events.
Cycle Counting is meant to improve the accuracy of your inventory (right
item in the right location, correct quantity, correct u/m). Using the
utility, it seems to me, defeats the purpose of the Cycle Count.

Bill Foy
Senior Consultant
Northeast District
215-996-1476 (voice mail & fax)
614-818-7495 X-8542
Thanks for the input.

I was initially concerned with qty allocated to orders and counts were not
matching... but it was as simple as qty-on-hand.

Thanks again.

Well, it never hurts to run rebalance utilities. Even financial reports can
produce incorrect figures because the period totals table (pertot) got out
of kilter. Rebalance Ledger Period Totals corrects the problem. We spent
three days figuring this one out at year-end close.

This is true with ALL the rebalance utilities and this is why Symix Support
will ask you to run Crash Recovery and particular rebalance utilities
anytime you call in with a report of incorrect values. Most the time
running Crash Recovery and/or some rebalance utility fixes the problem(s).

Some users run rebalance utilities and/or crash recovery every night, though
it takes a bit of effort to run these automatically because the programs are
not designed to run that way. It would be interesting to hear from any of
you that run these processes on a scheduled basis. How do you have them set
up and when do you run them? Should Symix make these programs work with the
normal background queue subsystem?
The re-balance programs ARE set up to run in Symix/Syteline background
queues. I use a queue to run'em all every night. I haven't figured out how
to run crash recovery in single-user mode automatically, but I'm sure it's
possible to do on the DB server.
The rebalance utilities will run in background. We have them set to run
each week on Sunday.

While I have never encountered problems with things being out of kilter, I
run them for insurance.
The Rebalance Ledger Period Totals utility cannot be placed in a queue.

Though I have not tries it personally, I understand that menu/recover0.p is
the crash recovery program and that it can be run as a Progress batch
(background) process, just not as a SyteLine queued process. Do NOT run
this program while other are on the system - which is why it is on the admin
menu as a single-user process.
We discovered a problem with "Rebalance Item Qty Allocated to Job and WIP"

Currently WIP is calculated as follows:
itemwhse.qty-wip = itemwhse.qty-wip + max(0.0, job.qty-released -

My materials guy thinks it should be:
itemwhse.qty-wip = itemwhse.qty-wip + max(0.0, job.qty-released -
job.qty-complete - job.qty-scrapped).

This displays as "Qty WIP" on Item Master - General screen. I raised this with
Symix support as a bug. After about six weeks, they declared that it is working
as designed and that I should raise an enhancement request if I would like to
see it changed.

Ingersoll-Dresser Pump

Well it depends on how you interpret qty-wip ... If that's the qty available
for the next operation then scrapped can be excluded. I was under the
impression that scrapped-qty were there only to backflush component and add
cost to the matlearn table or others to produce cost variance ...

I would assume that in order to reach you released qty you will have to
"complete" more ...

Eric. "planners: don't flak me if I'm wrong, I'm only the IS guy"

PS I agree with your guys on one thing to compute the qty-produce you need
to add complete and scrap
It was my impression the scrapped-qty were those item being manufacture for
that particular job that did not meet quality control and were thrown away.
The cost for these items are then applied to the remainder of the items in
that job run.