Search results

  1. Razack

    Frame Issue When Compiling In Batch Mode

    When I compile a screen program in client session started by mpro. It works fine. Where as if I compile from _progres -b or mbpro session it gives a warning and doesn't create .r. ** Warning: Cannot fit FILL-IN Applicant with AT within FRAME F1. (4027) Warning: Ignoring position info for AT...
  2. Razack

    Sql Explorer Sql Command End Of Statement

    Sqlexp doesn't recognize multiple sql commands with ";" . For e.g sqlexp -db Dbname -S 1030 -char -command "CREATE USER 'dummy', '123456'" Works...... sqlexp -db Dbname -S 1030 -char -command "CREATE USER 'dummy', '123456'; grant DBA to dummy; commit;" Doesn't work