Search results

  1. N

    -yr4def performance benefit?

    I'm currently working on a program that dumps the contents of a database table into a delimited file for an external system which requires all dates to have a 4-digit year... for each tablename: put stream sExtract unformatted tablename.integerfield "|"...
  2. N

    Getting the Query for a ProDataSet

    What I'm looking for is a procedure that can take the handle of a ProDataSet and produce a Query Clause that would walk through the ProDataSet. For example DEFINE DATASET dsSports2000 FOR ttCustomer, ttOrder, ttOrderLine DATA-RELATION dr1 FOR ttCustomer, ttOrder NESTED...
  3. N

    Connecting 32bit client to 64bit database

    We are experiencing a problem whereby, having upgraded our system to 10.1B on a 64 bit machine, a customer operating 10.0B on a 32 bit machine is unable to communicate through the appserver. The message received is ** Disconnected by the server, code 44. (706) Can anyone provide a mechanism...
  4. N

    Interesting problem with trigger

    We are experiencing an unusual problem with a trigger. Version 9.1C on UNIX box. Occasionally, when updating our database, the update fails and multiple copies of the following message appear in the appbroker log file: 11:28:44 10 Jun 2005 Application Server 16936 Procedure...
  5. N

    Shared Memory Question

    I have a question as to how shared memory is used and attributed to Progress Databases. On a Sun OS UNIX box with shared memory segment size set to 64Mb. If I start my database with 8000 buffers, I use 66Mb (2 segments). If I start my database with 7500 buffers, I use 62Mb (1 segment). Have...
  6. N

    WebClient on WebServer

    We have a WebClient Application that has - The configuration file (prowcapc) on a file server - file://... The component files (cab) retrieved by appserver - appserver://... Using the above setup, everything works OK, but we have to distribute the prowcapc file to a series of file servers...
  7. N

    "Terse" Database Log File

    Is there any method of restricting the amount of information written to the database log file? More specifically, We are running with Stateless Appservers. Every time someone uses an AppServer it reconnects to the database using their USERID and Password. This produces an excessive amount of...
  8. N

    Performance degradation

    We have recently experienced a marked degradation in performance of our system following the changing of certain database startup parameters. This is especially noticable when performing large batch processes that create a lot of records (up to 4 times slower). The original parameter file is...
  9. N

    "Lazy" BIW

    Our database has BIW and AIW, plus 3 APW. We consistently see Writes by BIW or AIW of less than 10%. I imagine this means that something else is doing the other 90% of the work. I've read suggestions that reducing the biblocksize will improve these figures, but we cannot set this any lower...
  10. N

    PDW, May 18th-20th, Dublin, Ireland

    Any other ProgressTalkers going? And while I'm on.. without resorting to xenophobia, can anyone suggest a collective noun for Progress Talk members? I've even seen a few non-imported posts beginning "Hi Peggers" ! How about PTers? Surely someone can do better...
  11. N

    Database MetaSchema

    :scan:V9.1C Before I start the arduous task of trying to represent the Progress MetaSchema on an ERWin diagram, can anyone 1. Supply one that they've already done or 2. Supply a method of generating the .df file with the meta-schema so I can reverse engineer it?
  12. N

    Specify Index on SDO

    The query on my SDO is FOR EACH Table NO-LOCK INDEXED-REPOSITION. By using the addQueryWhere functionality, I can easily change this to FOR EACH Table WHERE Condition1 AND Condition2 AND Condition3 NO-LOCK INDEXED-REPOSITION. I want to force the query to use a particular index. How...
  13. N

    AppBroker problems

    We are encountering the following problem with our AppServer broker. Any ideas? 12770 nsman -i v92hsmsuaserver -query PROGRESS PATCH Version 9.1C18 as of May 21, 2002 Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap The log file reports...
  14. N

    Webclient .cab files

    Does anyone know of an application, other than WinZip, that can be used to examine the contents of webclient cabinet files such as ? EnZip, our company's new "preferred" option, won't do it.
  15. N

    Coloured Rows on Dynamic Browse

    IT'S OK. I'VE SOLVED IT - KB21024 I have a dynamic temp table populating a dynamic browse. I want to colour the rows depending on a field on the temp table. For static, I can use, in the ROW-DISPLAY trigger IF tt-Tab.Deleted THEN ASSIGN tt-Tab.Description:FGCOLOR IN BROWSE...
  16. N

    WebClient Version

    Progress Knowledgebase 21792 talks about retrieving the VersionName from the registry using the LOAD, USE, GET-KEY-VALUE and UNLOAD commands. Has anyone done this? If so, can I get a copy of the required code, please? Thanks
  17. N

    include file references

    Given that include files can themselves reference other include files, is there a quick method to identify the programs that require to be recompiled after a change to an include file? That is, how can I check which programs reference an include file?
  18. N

    2-phase transaction log size

    We are about to upgrade V8 to V9. Has anyone any advice as to how big to make the 2-phase transaction log extents? e.g. -t /data/database.t1 f ????? -t /data/database.t2 what is good value for ????? on 8k blocksize database.
  19. N

    SDO and database reads

    From previous discussions on the board, I realise that the RowsToBatch setting on an SDO does not specify records to be read from the database. Rather it limits the records sent from the server to the client. That withstanding, can someone explain the following: I have 2 SDO's on the screen...
  20. N

    Table & Index area report

    I have written a program to produce a list of tables and indices along with their area number. This uses the _ianum field of the _file and _index tables. It all works fine, UNLESS the table has been moved using proutil tablemove or idxmove. Under these circumstances, the original table/index...