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  1. F

    What Do I Need To Buy?

    We've upgraded our 9.1d based ERP system and that meant mssql only. I have a bunch of .p files that I still would like to run. If I purchase a copy of openedge can I connect to the mssql server (dataserver?) and run my .p code? If so what exactly do I need to buy? Just the RDBMS or provision...
  2. F

    Remove Nulls From String

    How do you remove a null from a string with ancient, obsolete and unsupported 9.1d? I tried this and it doesn't work... def var s as char init "" no-undo s="hello" + chr(0) + "world". s=replace(s,chr(0)," "). display s.
  3. F

    We're Finally Upgrading Our Erp System.

    For those of you whom I bothered with ancient, obsolete and unsupported Progress 9.1d questions over the years you can relax. We are upgrading our EPR (epicor) system to the latest version by the end of the year. It's MSSql only now. Progress DB is no longer supported. I sincerely thank all...
  4. F

    Error Output Or Input-output Parameter In A User-defined Function. (6023) (100)

    Using ancient, obsolete and unsupported Progress 9.1d... Can anyone help identify what types of things would be causing this error I found in my logs? It's cut off right in the log so I don't know what the rest says. I couldn't find anything specific in the progress kb either. "10:31:09...
  5. F

    PHP version of "encode"

    Just an FYI... I just ported a c# version of the Progress encode function to PHP. Both versions are public domain. Seems to work well. PHP version c# version
  6. F

    os-getenv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") returns "x86" on 64bit machine

    Running obsolete, ancient and unsupported Progress 9.1d 32bit on a 64bit machine. On a 64bit machine at a command prompt I type "set" to see the system variables. It shows among other things... PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=AMD64 It's actually an Intel processor but at least it shows 64. But...
  7. F

    does anyone have a proper case function?

    Does anyone have a "proper" case function that they would like to share? I would like to take a variable such as "SOME STRING WITH WORDS" and change it to "Some String With Words". I'm using ancient, obsolete, unsupported Progress 9.1d and I should upgrade.;)
  8. F

    Need help with winsock

    I'm using ancient, obsolete, unsupported Progress 9.1d and I should upgrade.;) I'm trying to read data from a winsock control and from the DataArrival event. Each time DataArrival fires I try to get the data with GetData. I get the following error message... "Unexpected error occurred while...
  9. F

    _sequence jumps by total record count through odbc .newval

    We are accessing progress 9.1d through php and Merant 3.6 odbc on windows xp 32bit. We are trying to get the next-value sequence. Each time we execute something like... SELECT pub.orderheadseq.currval FROM PUB.orderhead ...the nextval get incremented by the total of all records. Like it is...
  10. F

    substituting variables

    <shields up>Using Progress 9.1d... Is there a way to make the snippet display "hello"? I realize "value" does not work but wish it did. DEF VAR v1 AS CHAR INIT "hello" NO-UNDO. DEF VAR v2 AS CHAR INIT "v1" NO-UNDO. DISPLAY VALUE(v2).
  11. F

    selection-list programmatically select all

    Using Progress 9.1d, is there a way to programmatically select all list items in a selection list?
  12. F

    Can I make like temp-tables with different default field values?

    DEFINE TEMP-TABLE test FIELD f1 AS CHAR FIELD f2 AS CHAR FIELD f3 AS CHAR INIT "A". DEFINE TEMP-TABLE test2 LIKE test FIELD f3 AS CHAR INIT "B". I want different default field values for several temp-tables. This doesn't compile but is there a way to accomplish what I am...
  13. F

    Adding work days

    Does anyone have a function made up that adds work days to a given date? For us, Saturday and Sunday are not work days. The starting date given may be a Saturday or Sunday. I am writing one but it's messy and I thought one of you genius coders may having something slick done already.
  14. F

    Looking for chr(13) with INDEX function?

    =index(somestring,chr(13)) always returns 0 even when I know that chr(13) is there. Is there some way around this?
  15. F

    parsing text for values

    Using 9.1d... I have a text file that comes from an email message that I would like to obtain values from. It is formatted roughly like this... Part Number: 1234 Qty: 10 Bin: 34003 I'd like a way for Progress to parse this text, determine the field, ie "Part Number" and obtain the values of...
  16. F

    add char to each line in a variable

    I have a character variable which contains data as follows... Joe Bill Gary Mike There is a carriage return/line feed after each name. Now I need to take the variable and add a character to the beginning of each line so that it will be: X Joe X Bill X Gary X Mike I can think of ways to do...
  17. F

    Changing schema for compiled app.

    Using 9.1d... I have an app supplied by a vendor which is all .r files. I need to change the length of a character field now. Can I simply modify the field or will the app throw a fit because it was compiled against a certain size field? I've done this numerous times for .w apps but never...
  18. F

    Logging info to a file across multiple p files?

    Logging info to a text file across multiple p files? Using 9.1d... I have a p file which calls maybe 6-8 other p files which may also call a few others. What are some good ways to allow them all to write to a common text log file? I thought about passing the log file name to all the p files...
  19. F

    How to run a procedure with a parameter?

    Using 9.1d... I need to call a procedure whose name is stored in a variable. I also need to send along a parameter. This doesn't work. Any tips? def var progname as char init 'myprog.p' no-undo. find first mytable where mytable.myvalue=1 no-lock no-error. if available mytable then run...
  20. F

    accumulate into weekly buckets

    Using 9.1d. I need to go through some records and accumulate a value into a weekly bucket based on a record date field. I thought about something like this but the compiler complains about the function I have in the last-of function. WeekNumber is a function that returns the number of the...