Wiki written in WebSpeed.


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
Hi All

Has anyone written a fully functioning Wiki in webspeed?

My IT manager has this hair brain idea that we should written our own internal document management website using WebSpeed.

My argument is the time it will take to develop and support is just to long and on going support/development, blar blar. My solution is to just take an existing web application like TWiki (Which I am already using on my USB thumb key).

Just encase I loose this battle, has anyone achieved this in WebSpeed? If so what was the best strategy to approach to start writing a Wiki.

Many Thanks.


It's funny I was going to ask around about the same thing. The one weakness to webspeed isnt webspeed or progress itself, but the low number of resources, third party tools, developer community etc for webspeed and progress. Thats one big strength of PHP, ASPX etc. The wealth of resources available for those scripting languages and the DB's they run on.

I think we are going to use a PHP based wiki for the overall control and just plug in webspeed reports etc as needed. A bit bandaid but I couldn't find any rich commercial wiki or open source wiki that is built on webspeed.