'where' and 'sort' options on GUI Browser

Emma J

New Member
Put this in chit chat first but probably should be here, can tell it's my first visit!
I am adding a new gui Brower in the user-interface app for syteline and cannot get the where and sort option to work.
I am openeing the brower and click on the query, the options of table, join where, etc are shown. I select where and pick my field and value. In my case tt.poitem.stat = "O".
Seems easy but does not work!!
I must be doing something wrong but what????

Hope someone can help



New Member
I'm not using a progress database, but I know that you have to use single quotes on you value. Try changing the "O" to 'O' and try it again.


What version PSC are you running?
The quotes will not make a difference to Prowin, you can use bouble (") OR single ('). The only thing that interests Progress is consistancy.
As for using it with your App I am not familure with this product, though Progress is the core and I specialise in the 4GL.