Using double quotes as field content in cim files


New Member
I need to import field content in MFG/Pro through the cim process. In a number of fields the double quote (") is used as content. However, in the cim file double quotes are used around text values. How can I pass my double quotes in the fields to MFG/PRO? Can I use a special character, precede it by a special code to indicate it should be interpreted literally? Any suggestions are welcome.


New Member
I think if you use quotes around the double quote it will work.

We had this once with pt_desc when we were CIM loading into 1.4.1 and the item description had the " symbol for inch

e.g. Bearing 3/4" would be formatted as Bearing 3/4"""

I think this works but it was a long time ago. I recommend trying it out with a few records
