SQL Engine vs 4GL Engine


One of our client is connected to our progress 10.2B database through a JDBC client(eclipse).

He has created some triggers(as SQL client) on a table which already has 4GL triggers on create, update, delete events .
As per KB if a 4gl application causes an event then 4GL triggers are fired by DB not sql triggers.
it furthur says that SQL client commands are taken care by SQL-92 engine while 4GL triggers by 4gl engine.

Our client wants both SQL and 4GL to be fired in any event.
Is it possible ?

or i have a incorrect impression of triggers .

OS: Windows XP.



There is no way to do what you want.

4GL triggers and SQL-92 triggers are completely unaware of each other.

The use of triggers in a mixed 4GL/SQL environment is highly discouraged. Actually it is just discouraged -- they are generally a bad idea anyway.

If you have business logic that needs to execute when db access occurs you should isolate that logic on an app-server. That app server logic can then be executed from either 4GL or non-4GL clients.

Marian EDU

If you have business logic that needs to execute when db access occurs you should isolate that logic on an app-server. That app server logic can then be executed from either 4GL or non-4GL clients.

Indeed, not a good idea to give them access to raw data anyway...

If they need to use JDBC then you might check-out my own JDBC driver for ABL, then the 4GL engine is used and either go directly to the database or through the business logic 'stored procedures'... http://www.ganimede.ro/cms/products/abl-jdbc/