Question setting up Ma, Mn and -n in same server setup


New Member

I have a same server setup, i.e Database, Webspeed, and application is on the same physical box. So every time i look into the DB, I see high number of local users (approx 80), very less remote users (approx 20) and approx 40 batch users.

I have -Ma as 11, -Mn as 15 and -n as 160.

I need to increase -n value, so in this case do i have to care about the -Ma and -Mn? I mean, maximum connections comes from local users as my webspeed is on same machine, so should I, care about -Ma and -Mn ?

I am using Progress 9.1e on Solaris 10 box.
What you need to set these parameter values to will be a function of your needs for peak usage. -Mn is number of servers and -Ma is clients per server. So your maximum number of remote users is the product of those two numbers (15 * 11 = 165), provided it isn't otherwise constrained. In this case you won't get 165 remote users connected as you have many other self-service users connected (120 in total; 80 + 40) and your -n (maximum number of database connections) is only 160.

You have told us your typical user counts but you have not told us your required maximums for each category (self-service and remote users). If you only need to support 20 remote users then -Mn 15 and -Ma 11 is overkill. Depending on factors like server capacity, total remote users, etc., I typically set -Ma to 2 or 3, or maybe up to 5. Then I set -Mn as high as needed to accommodate the required number of remote users. For example if you only need to support 20 remote users maximum then you could specify -Ma 2 and -Mn 10. The product of -Mn and -Ma is the contribution of remote users to your -n requirement.

Then there are the self-service users (your typical count is 120, maximum unknown). Each of these contribute 1 to your -n count. Any other clients that connect to the database (proutil, rfutil, dsrutil, online backup, replication server, dbtool, page writers, watchdog, etc. etc.) also contribute 1 each to your -n requirement. The value of -n isn't tied to licensing so you can set it as high as you want. It's good to leave a buffer, i.e. set -n higher than you need.
Also... -Ma 11 is kind of high. Personally I don't like to see -Ma higher than 5 for 4gl clients. Rob's suggestion of 2 or 3 is even better.
Usually I also go with -Mi 1 which makes the allotment of clients to servers "round robin". So long as your -ServerType = 4gl or SQL (but not "Both") that will work best. Of cousre, if you have a broker that is supporting BOTH 4gl and SQL connections you should change that.