Progress Newbie


New Member
Hello Everyone!

I hope someone can help me....

This is my first time programming in over 7 years and I am having some difficulties and am in need of some help. I am trying to write a program and for some stupid reason I can't get it to run without any issues. I am in the Auburn Hills, Michigan area and if anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it. Even if you know someone who can tutor me a little on the Progress language that would help me immensely.



I forgot to include the Language & description of my problem.
QAD MFG\PRO SP7 Progress V 9.1c
Here is my problem...
A report presenting the 2007 budget forecast data by Work Cell (by month by hours)

Using tables
ff_mstr - (Forecast table ) part number and forecast ID & Year
pt_mstr - (part master table) part description
ro_det - (routing detail table) work center and run time.

What is the point picking up a NEW ADE, when Progress is now dead. Try ourchasing a NEW Progress license. The future is bright the future is OpenEdge ABL - Versions 10+
What is the point picking up a NEW ADE, when Progress is now dead. Try ourchasing a NEW Progress license. The future is bright the future is OpenEdge ABL - Versions 10+

You sound like a mobile phone commercial :)
Hello JP,

This is my first time programming in over 7 years and I am having some difficulties and am in need of some help. I am trying to write a program and for some stupid reason I can't get it to run without any issues.

This is a bit of an involved request, and if you need extensive help or training you will be best finding a mentor at your current place of work, or working through the documentation available on PSDN.

I am in the Auburn Hills, Michigan area and if anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it. Even if you know someone who can tutor me a little on the Progress language that would help me immensely.

There's a Progress user group in Michigan, although it's web page doesn't look terribly active, but it might be worth getting in touch.

There is a connection with Bravepoint which I believe does training courses.

<MFG/PRO general report description clipped>

As Joey said, if you need help on a forum like this, you need to describe one small technical problem at a time ("I need a report" is too vague), and people will try to help if they have experience within your problem domain (not me, unfortunately, with MFG/PRO).

Good luck.