[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: what do y'all think about through put

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Paul Koufalis

6.5 hours seems like a lot. Can you break it down to dump, load and idxbuild? Did you overlap dump and load processes? Wait - you did inline idxbuilds? That's usually slower. Were there one or two HUGE tables that dominated the elapsed time? How did you dump? With or w/out an _mprosrv? Same question for load. There used to be an HPUX bug in the idxbuild where the process could not use more than one shared memory segment, so even if you had 128 GB RAM on the box, and you set -TF 80, you still only used 1-2 GB of RAM for sorting. Did you notice if you used disk temp file? Did you use -z -rusage? These give you more verbose logging.

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