[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: Pas To Emulate State-reset...

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Does anyone have an idea on how to properly use the QUIT statement to clear out the PAS agent session? The important part is that this QUIT must be done in a way that ensures that the "Session startup procedure" is re-run as well. The session's "startup procedure" is pretty critical, especially for state-free-type clients, since it initializes a lot of old-school "NEW GLOBAL" variables that our legacy ERP needs to work properly. The documentation has extensive details about how we were supposed to able to emulate "state-reset" (session-managed) behavior. The docs also advertised the ability of a single PAS server to run both types of legacy session models. I'm guessing the problems are related to the way PAS attempts to support *both* session models, possibly without proper regard for the differences in behavior between their various "event procedures". FYI, I noticed that "session startup procedures" are handled properly in the scenario where an agent's session is timed out (see community.progress.com/.../36188) . The startup procedures are re-run in any new session that is created after the previous MsAgent session was timed out. But the QUIT statement seems to be doing something different. Personally I think that any session in which the QUIT statement was used should be marked as a poison session and never re-used (ie. the session should be allowed to time out, and get cleaned up). Can someone who has used "state-reset" behavior on PAS please comment? At this point I'm wondering if I should revert to creating separate PAS servers for "state-reset" behavior, so that my event procedures work properly and won't conflict with any of the clients that are trying to use the state-free-type behavior? Any help would be appreciated. I suppose I will open a support case if nobody else has experience trying to emulate "state-reset" on PAS.

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