[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: Jsdo Filtering: Nesting...

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Hello, Nested filters should work. > If I try to run this nested filter through the "read"-method of the JSDO, it doesn't even try to call the PAS-instance, > it just calls the ERROR-method with as parameter "null". I do not see a particular issue with the filter expression that you mentioned. The one in the image has only one element for the "or" but that should be ok. Some debugging would be needed in order to figure this out. Are you calling the JSDO.fill()/read() method directly or are you using the Kendo UI DataSource? Here are a couple of samples using nested filters: oemobiledemo.progress.com/.../test001.html oemobiledemo.progress.com/.../test014.html I hope this helps.

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