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MQ admin sent me a tab file. So, I did the following (I hope this will help the same newbies in the MQ like me): 1. If the MQ client is not installed - you must install it (I have MQ client 7.5 already been installed on the workstation). 2. Open MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/java/bin/JMSAdmin.config file with text editor and make sure that the directory specified in the PROVIDER_URL exists (in my case the directory C:/JNDI-Directory did not exist and I created it) 3. Run JMSAdmin tool MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/java/bin/JMSAdmin 4. Run following commands in JMSAdmin tool. Replace , , SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN, , and tab file path with the actual values: DEF CF( ) + QMGR( ) + TRAN(CLIENT) + CHAN(SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN) + HOST( ) + PORT( ) + CCDTURL( ) InitCtx> DEF CF(RemoteCF) + QMGR(UNIQM) + TRAN(CLIENT) + CHAN(SWIFTMQ.SVRCONN) + HOST(vplmq12) + PORT(1422) + CCDTURL(file:C:/JNDI-Directory/AMQCLCHL.TAB) As I understand, I myself define the connection_factory_name. I set it RemoteCF. 5. A file named .bindings has been generated under the directory specified for the PROVIDER_URL parameter (in my case in C:\JNDI-Directory). Voila, .bindings file is created. Does the location of .bindings file affect the creation of the class? In other words, should I put this file on a network share or it's only needed to create a class and is not used anywhere else? Thanks.

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