[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: OE SQL Client Access expired?

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Hi! I have a linux webserver where i use openedge odbc driver (10.2B) to connect to progress db. I use it for a long time, normal licenese with no expiration date, user limit for one. And recently when access database through php script for sql read I get the same error like in thes article: Progress KB - You are not licensed to use this DataDirect Technologies product under the license you have purchased I went through resolution and everything is set right, except for LD_LIBRARY_PATH was empty (the server is Debian 8) but itt worked before. Anyway if I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH nothing changes, same error.The only thing I can do is copy the same licence file worked before into the foder of the php script (multiple folders actually where i run sql queries) then i get no error message. The first i saw this error was when a cron job was set running every 5 minutes querying data from progress. Then i managed to run the script from the folder where odbc driver is present in cron (/usr/dlc/odbc) and it worked. Then after two weeks working fine, other php web scripts are falling down with the error. Do you have any idea why this could be? I hope i was able to explain the problem well. Thank You very much for Your help!

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